Overview: VivaLingua is a language crowdsourcing app. In this app you are able to create posts about a variety of endangered languages from all around the world to help revitalize them. You can also create a user profile, view your own posts, and view posts from other users uniquely from a specified language.
The Team:
Shaiah Wren: https://github.com/ShaiahWren
Primary Team Role: PostgreSQL, Back-end & Front-end Development and Lead Syling/Design.
Dylan Cooper: https://github.com/Dcooper15
Primary Team Role: PostgreSQL, Back-end & Front-end development.
Aliyah Gamble: https://github.com/AGamble7
Primary Team Role: Scrum Master, Back-end Development, and Styling.
Annemarie Thomas: https://github.com/Athomas9sa
Primary Team Role: Back-end Development, Debugging, and Design.
Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL,
Stretch Goals Completed: A stretch goal we completed was to implement front-end code to add a specified language page that would pull the data for that language dynamically.
Stretch Goals for the Future: A stretch goal that we are in the proccess of finishing is being able to upload media files and have them display dynamically. A styling stretch goal is to implement third-party CSS frameworks into node.
Challenges & Solutions: A big challenge for this project was to get the correct data to pull from our database and display dynamically on our various pages. We solved this problem by using a variety of SQL statements such as INNER JOINS, LEFT JOINS, and RIGHT JOINS to link our data tables properly.