A cli to browse and watch live TV. This tool scrapes the site ustvgo.
Install dependencies (See below)
git clone "https://github.com/Spaxly/tv-cli.git" && cd ./tv-cli
chmod +x ./tv-cli
sudo cp ./tv-cli /usr/local/bin
cd .. && rm -rf "./tv-cli"
Also note that mpv installed through flatpak is not compatible
Install dependencies (See below)
Install HomeBrew if not installed.
git clone "https://github.com/Spaxly/tv-cli" && cd ./tv-cli
cp ./tv-cli "$(brew --prefix)"/bin
cd .. && rm -rf ./tv-cli
To install (with Homebrew) the dependencies required on Mac OS, you can run:
brew install ffmpeg mpv curl sed git
- Linux:
sudo rm "/usr/local/bin/tv-cli"
- Mac:
rm "$(brew --prefix)/bin/tv-cli"
- Some channels like ESPN won't work if you are outside the U.S. Only way to fix this temporarily is to use a VPN.
- git
- fzf
- sed
- curl
- mpv