Tags: Shasthojoy/Scoop-Core
fix(Git): Ignore case in the log analyze ignores ``` # filterUpdateLog: $true|$false # When show_update_log is set and this option is set, only commits that changed the installed applications and new manifests additiona will be shown. # This will result into showing you only commits related to your used manifests and newly added manifests available for installation. # $filter = get_config 'filterUpdateLog' $false if ($filter) { $allInstalled = @(installed_apps $true, installed_apps $false) | Select-Object -Unique $regex = "^((((^(($($allInstalled -join '|'))):\s*)))|(.*?: Add version)).*$" # Ignore everything, which is not installed #$para += @("--grep=""$regex""") $para += @('--grep="^(((.*?):\s*Add version)).*$"') } ```
refactor(Manifest): Support bucket lookup in Resolve (Ash258#137)
Merge commit '643cfb0da8369dbbe2964511698763c5ff179492' into NEW