The code for the paper 'Boosting Transferability of Targeted Adversarial Examples via Hierarchical Generative Networks' in ECCV 2022.
This project is tested under the following environment settings:
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04.4
- GPU: Geforce 2080 Ti or Tesla P100
- Python: 3.6
- PyTorch: >= 1.6.0
- Torchvision: >= 0.6.0
Please prepare the ImageNet set, and we adopt the ImageNet training set as our training data.
Below we provide running commands for training the conditional generator based on 8 different target classes from a previous same setting.
python --train_dir $DATA_PATH/ImageNet/train --model_type incv3 --eps 16 --batch_size 64 --start-epoch 0 --nz 16 --epochs 10 --label_flag 'N8'
python --train_dir $DATA_PATH/ImageNet/train --model_type res152 --eps 16 --batch_size 64 --start-epoch 0 --nz 16 --epochs 10 --label_flag 'N8'
Download pretrained adversarial generators Generator-Inv3 and Generator-Res152 based on the setting of 8 different classes.
Below we provide running commands for generating targeted adversarial examples on ImageNet NeurIPS validation set (1k images):
python --data_dir data/ImageNet1k/ --model_type incv3 --eps 16 --load_path $SAVE_CHECKPOINT
The above crafted adversarial examples can be directly used for testing different models in torchvision. Besides, you can also adopt Inception ResNet-V2 , ResNet-V2-152 in Tensorflow Slim or Inc-v3ens3, Inc-v3ens4, IncRes-v2ens trained by Ensemble Adversarial Training in Tensorflow.
Below we provide running commands for testing our method against different black-box models:
python --test_dir $IMAGES_DIR --model_t vgg16
Besides, we also provide all 20 pretrained adversarial generators based on the basic setting of 1K classes.