iOS 7.0+
JLPermissions is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add any or all of the following lines to your Podfile:
pod "JLPermissions/Calendar"
pod "JLPermissions/Camera"
pod "JLPermissions/Contacts"
pod "JLPermissions/Facebook"
pod "JLPermissions/Health"
pod "JLPermissions/Location"
pod "JLPermissions/Microphone"
pod "JLPermissions/Notification"
pod "JLPermissions/Photos"
pod "JLPermissions/Reminders"
pod "JLPermissions/Twitter"
Only add the pod for the permissions you plan on using. Apple rejects apps that include Healthkit API's but do not use them.
To run the example project; clone the repo, and run pod install
, then open JLPermissionsExample.xcworkspace.
The method for asking for each type of permission (other than push notifications) is virtually identical. Here is an example of the API:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, JLAuthorizationStatus) {
JLPermissionNotDetermined = 0,
typedef void (^AuthorizationHandler)(bool granted, NSError *error);
- (JLAuthorizationStatus)authorizationStatus;
- (void)authorize:(AuthorizationHandler)completion;
- (void)authorizeWithTitle:(NSString *)messageTitle
message:(NSString *)message
cancelTitle:(NSString *)cancelTitle
grantTitle:(NSString *)grantTitle
- (void)displayErrorDialog;
Here is a list of iPhone apps utilizing this library (let me know if you want your app added):
JLAddressBook is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.