Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data set is released by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and in this report the 2013-2015 accident data file is analyzed. The accident data file records the details for each traffic accident in the US that cuases death.
Link: EDA_1.html. (It should be able to be viewed in google chrome)
- R version 3.3.1
- library(png) # show images on mark down html file
- library(grid) # show images on mark down html file
- library(dplyr) # manipulate data frame
- library(leaflet) # interactive maps
- library(plotly) # pie chart
- library(foreign) # load .dbf file
Step 1. download EDA_1.rmd and set_state.png and put them into the target file folder.
Step 2. download the 2013, 2014, 2015 data set from
The link to the full description of FARS
Step 3. Unzip them in the target file folder.
Step 4. Use RStudio (recommended) knit html on EDA_1.rmd to create report. Make sure the required R libraries are installed.
Step 5. The user could generate the report for any US state (50 states + Washington D.C.) he/she likes, by changing the "state_abbr" variable in the .rmd file
# Choose a state to analyze (Use Capitalized caracters!)
state_abbr <- "UT"