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This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 24, 2022. It is now read-only.

This repository is made for people who wanted to learn about open-source and paricipate in Hactoberfest 2021.

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ALERT - Please don't send pull request to this repository any more.

No more pull request to this repository will be counted for Hacktoberfest.

click here to know more.

Hacktoberfest 2021 ✨

Welcome everyone!:raised_hands: This repository is made for everyone who wanted to learn about open-source and paricipate in Hacktoberfest 2021.

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Hey there!👋

What can you do here?🧐

  • You can solve questions put up by contributors (tag moderators in comment to assign an issue to you and mention the language you will be using).
  • You can put up a problem yourself.
  • You can even contribute a project made by you!
  • Please read this issue click here for more information.

New to github? No problem :) Refer to these resources 🆕

  • In Hindi Language -> Learn complete Git and Github in 1 video by Anuj Bhaiya: Youtube
  • In English Language -> Complete Git and GitHub Tutorial: Youtube
  • Git and github articles on Website

Steps to put up an issue:📑

First let's see when should you create an issue?

  • If you want to contribute a question or project.
  • If you have a better solution to an existing solved issue.

To create an issue:

Click on the Issue button at top of the page:

Click new issue and fill up the details!

Note: Issues must clearly mention what they are addressing, if a problem is being put up then explain it using an example.

Get contributing🤩

Note: One must read CODE_OF_CONDUCT before starting work on any issue

First things first, In order to contribute you have to create a Pull Request from your forked repo which is a remote clone of this upstream repository.

  1. Click this button at the top of screen to fork this repo, don't forget to star the repository!:

  2. Now head over to the forked repository and copy the clone HTTPS URL:

  3. Next up clone the forked repo on to the local machine using:

    git clone <copied-fork-link>

  4. Run these command to add remote origin

    git remote add origin <The url of forked github repository>

    If this command give message like git remote already exist then run this command

    git remote set-url origin <The url of forked github repository>
  5. It is critical to keep your forked repository in sync the upstream repository so merge conflicts can be avoided:

    git remote add upstream
    git fetch upstream
    git pull upstream main
  6. Create a seperate branch to work on:

    The branch name must be selected according to the issue

    git checkout -b <branch-name>

  7. Contributors must follow the directory structure guidelines:

    • All files must be kept in a directory.
    • Directory name must resemble the issue assigned.
    • Based on the language used, create a directory inside the language directory.
    • Example: If I am writing in Python I will create a directory inside Python directory.
    • In case a project is being contributed make sure to add the files inside a directory(name according to project) which in turn must be placed inside the Projects directory.
    • Changes done by you will not affect existing structure of the project.
    • Add a with your name and link to github profile using [your-name](link-to-profile)
  8. After the contribution work is ready go ahead and add it to staging area:

    git add -A

  9. Now it is time to commit your changes and sync these changes to forked repo:

    git commit -m <your_message>

    git push origin <branch-name>

  10. Issue a pull request from forked repo to this repo:

    • Head over to Pull Request tab in the forked repo and click on New Pull Request pic6

    • Verify base and head repository name and branch names. pic7

    • Fill in the title and provide a concise description. pic8

  11. Wait for respose on the PR. Congratulations you just contributed to open source!

Code of conduct 👨‍💻

Labels 🏷

Issues labelled with language name e.g Python, mean that the particular issue has been assigned for language in the label

Let's connect


This repository is made for people who wanted to learn about open-source and paricipate in Hactoberfest 2021.



Code of conduct





No releases published


No packages published