This is a Java implmentation of an Apriori Algorithm, which is designed to find commonalities between transactions in a database.
Execute by CDing into folder and typing java apriori ./[filename] [min_sup_percentage]
Program is not designed to work with unformatted data. Any input files must be of format (\s meaning any white space character):
[# of transactions]
[transaction #]\s[# of items in transaction]\s[item 1]\s[item 2]\s...\s[item n]
This was not programmed with a limitation on RAM in mind, if there was need for RAM efficiency, I would replace almost all integers with shorts, maybe would offload the transaction database periodically, and many other bits and pieces to keep it RAM conscious.
is the most inefficient part of the entire execution. Unfortunately there's no good method for finding all combinations of sets in Java of length k that I was able to find, so I had to design one myself. It's O(n2), and this application has an inherent execution of It's O(n2) anyways. But there is pointless repetition loss that occurs when I join two items together and it gets sent to the nether realm by the if
. In the words of some Valve developer:
Too Bad!
Unit testing on a Ryzen 7 3800x reveals the following average execution speeds for given datasets:
- java apriori ./1k5L.txt 5 - 0 FPs in 15ms
- java apriori ./1k5L.txt 2 - 45 FPs in 101ms
- java apriori ./1k5L.txt 1 - 213 FPs in 1391ms
- java apriori ./t25i10d10k.txt 20 - 0 FPs in 190ms
- java apriori ./t25i10d10k.txt 10 - 20 FPs in 293ms
- java apriori ./t25i10d10k.txt 5 - 142 FPs in 6028ms
- java apriori ./retail.txt 50 - 1 FPs in 386ms
- java apriori ./retail.txt 25 - 3 FPs in 394ms
- java apriori ./retail.txt 10 - 9 FPs in 493ms
- java apriori ./retail.txt 5 - 16 FPs in 579ms
- java apriori ./retail.txt 2 - 55 FPs in 1810ms
- java apriori ./connect.txt 75 - DNF after 5 hours.