OS-Climate Community & Project Collaboration Space
Join one of our meetings! Subscribe to a group list! Connect over Slack! (instructions below)
- Community Calendar (Meetings & Events): https://west.exch092.serverdata.net/owa/calendar/[email protected]/022d1c0017744eebbf9f14f737493bd67046415453482209411/calendar.html
- Recordings of Prior Events: https://os-climate.org/events/#watchevents
- Recordings of Prior Meetings: https://osclimateorg.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/EYeq5o9996JNohc5Kq7E6YoBFvNZNkEL-C4WD8pbhOpRjQ?e=hjLi53
- Connect via Slack (os-climate.slack.com): https://join.slack.com/t/os-climate/shared_invite/zt-14d7z1q78-gf68YdWxcaDcB2gKnVJDvg
- OS-Climate website: https://os-climate.org/
- OS-Climate 101: https://vimeo.com/645351364
- Getting Started, On-boarding Guide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-rH1l4NbiDwSv5pq21ud82OAsBzuvffMgchX2LbNM7g/edit?usp=sharing
- Technical Overview: https://os-climate.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/138/2021/12/OSClimate-TechDeepDive_Dec1_2021.pdf; https://os-climate.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/138/2021/12/OSClimate-TechDeepDive_Dec2_2021.pdf
- Data Commons Overview & Videos: https://os-climate.org/data-commons/
- Data Commons Architecture: https://github.com/os-climate/os_c_data_commons/blob/main/README.md
- Physical Risk Overview & Videos: https://os-climate.org/physical-risk-tool/
- Transition Analysis Overview & Videos: https://os-climate.org/transition-tool/
- Portfolio Alignment/ITR Overview & Videos: https://os-climate.org/itr-alignment-tool/
- Data Extraction/AI Video: https://vimeo.com/652668377
Need permissions to a particular repo? Please contact the appropriate admin listed here: https://github.com/operate-first/apps/blob/master/kfdefs/overlays/osc/osc-cl1/trino/configs/group-mapping.properties
- PMO Dashboard: https://github.com/orgs/os-climate/projects/5
- Data Commons: https://github.com/orgs/os-climate/projects/7
- Physical Risk: https://github.com/orgs/os-climate/projects/6
- ITR: https://github.com/orgs/os-climate/projects/3
- Red Hat Subproject: https://github.com/orgs/os-climate/projects/4
- Data Extraction/AI (ML and rules-based engines using NLP): https://github.com/os-climate/corporate_data_pipeline/projects/1 ; https://github.com/os-climate/corporate_data_pipeline/projects/2
You can now subscribe to OS-Climate group lists and receive the latest information on our various workstreams, including new data sources/datasets, software development activity, tool/model enhancements, weekly meeting invites, and summary notes. The group lists also provide a vehicle for product, tech, and process discussions between members. We encourage everyone to use these group lists when communicating, so we create a consistent, inclusive, and reliable method to engage members based on their area of focus and/or interest.
These are OS-Climate's group lists, along with a brief description:
- [email protected]: Used to inform OS-C GitHub users (developers, prod mgrs, proj mgrs) about key system enhancements, architecture changes, system maintenance, modified security/license processes, etc. To subscribe: [email protected]
- [email protected]: Used to discuss work on the platform, including: build out of architecture, data vault implementation, use of tech infrastructure (e.g. Trino), metadata, data lineage, data ingestion pipelines/processes, etc. To subscribe: [email protected]
- [email protected]: Used to discuss work on the suite of tools used to extract data from non-standard formats(e.g. pdf reports) using NLP tools (ML and rules-based engines). Also the forum to discuss corporate data collection and topics like counterparty data models. To subscribe: [email protected]
- [email protected]: Used to discuss requirements, development, testing, and implementation of the Physical Risk tool - the hazard and vulnerability risk models, plug & play model functionality and methodology to assess asset impact, including data visualization and economic risk. To subscribe: [email protected]
- [email protected]: Used to discuss requirements, development, testing, and implementation of the Implied Temperature Rise tool (ITR) along with other portfolio alignment tools - includes models, methodology, key data elements and visualization.To subscribe: [email protected]
- [email protected]: Used to discuss requirements, development, testing, and implementation of the Transition Risk tool with a focus on energy and economic models using SOSTrades/Witness. To subscribe: [email protected]
- [email protected]: Used to discuss requirements, development, and testing to link key datasets to financial entities and regulatory standards, includes GLEIF, LEI, etc. To subscribe: [email protected]
- EPA GHGRP (10 years of "large emitter" data)
- SEC DERA (2018-2021 SEC 10-K, 20-F, and 40-F reports)
- RMI Utilities Data (2000-2020 detailed emissions, generation, targets, fuel types, ownership, etc)
- WRI Global Power Plant Data (2013-2020 summary emissions, generation, fuel type, etc)
- US Census (2017 All-Sector survey)
- ESSD (Earth System Science Dataset 1970-2018 global emissions by country, gas, sector)
- SFI (Spatial Finance Initiative) Steel and Cement plant data
- PUDL: US-based utilities.
- World Bank GDP
- S&P Global - ~8500 Corporate ESG/Sustainability reports (~75k anticipated by 2Q22)
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- Governance Info: https://os-climate.org/governance/
- OS-Climate abides by all of the following Linux Foundation policies: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/policies/
- All community members are expected to abide by the LF Projects Code of Conduct: https://lfprojects.org/policies/code-of-conduct/
- All project contributors are expected to adhere to the Linux Foundation DCO Policy: https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/dco