Source code to reproduce results in the paper "RNAdegformer: Accurate Prediction of mRNA Degradation at Nucleotide Resolution with Deep Learning".
I also made a web app to use the models. Check it out at
In this page you can predict RNA degradation at each nucleotide and visualize the attention weights of the RNAdegformer
I included a file (environment.yml) to recreate the exact environment I used. Since I also use this environment for computer vision tasks, it includes some other packages as well. This should take around 10 minutes. After installing anaconda:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Then to activate the environment
conda activate torch
Additionally, you will need Nvidai Apex:
git clone
cd apex
pip install .
Also you need to install the Ranger optimizer
git clone
cd Ranger-Deep-Learning-Optimizer
pip install -e .
The src folder includes all the code needed to reproduce results in the paper and the OpenVaccine competition. Additional instructions are in the folder
includes all the code needed to run a ten-fold model for the openvaccine dataset
For original dataset, see
In addition to the secondary structure features given by Das Lab, I also generated additional secondary structure features at 2 temperatures with 6 biophysical packages (12x), for these features, see