title | author | date |
Football |
Adam & Daniel |
April 23, 2016 |
fileURL <- "http://www.football-data.co.uk/mmz4281/1516/SP1.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
download.file(fileURL, destfile = "./fbData.csv", method = "curl")
fileURLTwo <- "http://www.football-data.co.uk/mmz4281/1415/SP1.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
download.file(fileURLTwo, destfile = "./fbDataTwo.csv", method = "curl")
dateDownloaded <- date()
footballData <- read.csv("./fbData.csv", sep = ",", header=TRUE)
footballDataTwo <- read.csv("./fbDataTwo.csv", sep = ",", header=TRUE)
footballData <- subset(footballData, select = -c(B365H : BbAvAHA))
footballDataTwo <- subset(footballDataTwo, select = -c(B365H : BbAvAHA))
total <- rbind(footballData,footballDataTwo)
listGames <- subset(total,select=c(HomeTeam,AwayTeam,HTHG,FTHG,HTAG,FTAG))
listH <- listGames$HTHG - listGames$HTAG
listF <- listGames$FTHG - listGames$FTAG
listGames <- cbind(listGames,listH,listF)
colH <- ifelse(listGames$listH<0, 1, ifelse(listGames$listH>0, 2, 0))
colF <- ifelse(listGames$listF<0, 1, ifelse(listGames$listF>0, 2, 0))
listGames <- cbind(listGames,colH,colF)
d <- density(listGames$colH)
plot(d,main = "Half Time score ")
d <- density(listGames$colF)
plot(d,main = "Full Time score ")
- The home team usually wins the game, you can see in the density graph of final results that the density on home team (2) is higher.
- Mostly in Halftime score , the home team leads and symmetrically have a similar chance of a tie. This implies that the chances of the away team to lead in first half are significantly lower.
Summary: Home teams have more confidence during the game. Away team getting tie result on the first half is a good result for the next half of the game.