Built with love during the SRM IOT Hackathon
Using a self-made Neural Network (made with Keras) to detect from one vehicle when another vehicle is in front of it, along with sensor information to avoid collision.
Abstract: Decrease commute times as well as enable multi-vehicle control by a single driver using GPS and Ultrasonic sensors.
This project has 3 major use cases:
- Greatly decreasing commute time across major metropolitan areas
- Reducing costs for cargo transportation by allowing a single driver to control more than one vehicle.
- Allowing autonomous vehicles to drive multiple non-autonomous vehicles at the same time. As we know, autonomous vehicles aren't as safe as we need them to be. Instead a driver can supervise more than one vehicle. Multiple safety procedures will be added to this project to prevent accidents.
This can be developed into a large scale Vehicle To Vehicle (V2V) network where each vehicle knows what the vehicles in their vicinity is doing. (Speed, emergencies, traffic, etc.)
We believe this idea has large potential for bringing change to a pressing problem.