Hi there, I'm Mouhamed aly! 👋 🤓
😍 I am passionnate about computer science, creating products, Design Thinking.
💡 I love learning new technologies and sharing the most i can.
💻 I am mostly developing apps with React native
❤️ I am a big expo Fan
Les nouveautés du Expo SDK 38. Partie 1: Les notifications
Expo a sorti cette semaine la version 38 de son SDK. Dans cette vidéo on voit ensemble La nouvelle Api des notifications
Les nouveautés du Expo SDK 38. Partie 2: CRNA and Expo Examples
Expo a sorti cette semaine la version 38 de son SDK. Dans cette video on voit ensemble le Create-react-native-app et les expo templates.
How I Created My Blog With Gatsby
As a software developer, one of the best mediums you can use to market yourself is a blog. It’s my firm belief that every software developer who cares about their career should invest in creating a blog.
Create and Deploy Web Apps and PWAs with Expo 🕸
Expo is an amazing tool which lets you create not only Android and iOS mobile applications but also web apps and progressive web applications (PWA) very easily from one single Javascript and React codebase 😍.