The next gen social app destined to replace Twitter ;-)
- If you don't have a StackMob account, signup for your free account at
- Amazon S3 Account
- From the StackMob Dashbaord create a new app.
- Go through the Getting Started to Download the StackMob SDK and make your first API call
Every new StackMob has a User schema created by default. You'll want to add a new field to the User Schema. The field should be called "pic" and have a type of "binary" In order to use the binary type field, you'll need to setup Amazon S3 with StackMob . Here is a step by step guide to do it.
The last thing you'll need to do is get your Public Development API key copy and paste it into your AppDelegate.
self.client = [[SMClient alloc] initWithAPIVersion:@"0" publicKey:@"YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY"];