Coordinate representation: (a, b)
Inputs and Outputs
- (0, 0) -> The number to factorize
- (1~, 0) -> Prime factors of the number
- (0, 1~) -> Copies of (0, 0)
Flags and data for compute
- (1, 1) -> If (0, 0) can be divided with current factor
- (1, 2) -> If (0, 0) cannot be divided with current factor
- (2, 1) -> Return value of pickBeeperChecked, when the function is called, it will be true and when beepers are picked, it will be false
- (End, End) -> Must be zero, will be used for [#using-while-clause-as-a-if-clause]
- (End, 0) -> Must be one, will be used for [#using-while-clause-as-a-if-clause]
At some reasons, I can't use if clause. But while is allowed, so I thought about "the condition must be false when the while clause end.".
To achive this, when the while clause end, karel must be on (End, End).
- Put beepers count to factorize (This will be input)
- Divide with Pn
- If number is not divided, progress to Divide with Pn+1
- Else
- If (0, 0) == 1, End program with cleanup
- Else, go to Divide with Pn
- Repeat
- Go to dist (first blank at (1~, 0)), we will call this cell "(dist, 0)"
- Place a beeper
- Go to (0, 0)
- Pick Pn beepers with checked pickBeeper
- If check failed, do not pick beeper and go to (End, End)
- Else, put beeper at (1, 1) and go to (End, End)
- If (1, 1) is true, clear (0, 0~) and move (dist, 0) to (0, 0)
- Else, clear (dist, 0) and make (0, 0) to before function call
All functions must keep rotation of karel. The functions called by main function must keep position of karel.
- Prime count