RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android.
May be the best solution for Android soft keyboard listening
HarmonyOS Awesome Experience Application
Android On_device 1:1 Face Recognition And Liveness detection;1:N & M:N Face Search SDK 。 🧒 离线版设备端Android1:1人脸识别 动作活体检测,静默活体检测 以及1:N M:N 人脸搜索 SDK 封装
Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Fast Development Framework. It uses simple ways to filter, scan, connect, read ,write, notify, readRssi, setMTU, and multiConnection.
The Android Ble framework supports Kotlin coroutine, chain call, mtu subcontracting and packaging, and perfect ota support, perfectly adapting to the current Android development and programming style
A multiplatform Result monad for modelling success or failure operations.
Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process.
niushuai233 / XposedSmsCode
Forked from tianma8023/XposedSmsCode🍭 An Xposed Module which can recognize, parse verification code and copy it to clipboard when a new message arrives . / 识别短信验证码的Xposed模块,并将验证码拷贝到剪切板。
takagen99 / Box
Forked from CatVodTVOfficial/TVBoxOSCExperimental
一款高效的OpenHarmony/HarmonyOS工具包从Blankj/AndroidUtilCode 移植而来.封装了常用工具类,提供一系列快捷操作方法。
🚀 A network request library similar to OKHTTP, implemented using Cronet(Http3/QUIC)
Luban(鲁班)—Image compression with efficiency very close to WeChat Moments/可能是最接近微信朋友圈的图片压缩算法
神策数据官方 Android 埋点 SDK,是一款轻量级用于 Android 端的数据采集埋点 SDK,包含代码埋点、全埋点、点击图和可视化全埋点功能。全埋点通过配合神策官方 Android 埋点插件来实现,神策数据官方 Android 埋点插件使用字节码插桩(ASM)的技术实现 Android 端的全埋点(无埋点、无码埋点、无痕埋点、自动埋点)。
华为鸿蒙Harmony开眼App(项目整体基于Api9+ArkTs+ArkUI)适配API 11+DevEco 4.0
A simple library to convert audio format(一个用来转换音频格式的库,支持 MP3)
Android library (AAR). Highly configurable, easily extendable deep zoom view for displaying huge images without loss of detail. Perfect for photo galleries, maps, building plans etc.
Custom implement Android WebView cache, offline website, let cahe config more simple and flexible
A simple chat demo for and Android
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