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Programming Structures

In programming languages there are basically two approaches :

  • POPs (Procedural Oriented Programming Structure)
  • OOPs (Object Oriented Programming Structure)

OOPs (Object Oriented Programming Structure)

OOPs stands on 4 pillars :

  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Data Abstraction

1. Polymorphism

Poly means many and morphism means form
Same object having different behaivours.

There are 2 types of Polymorphism:-
i. Compile time polymorphism
ii. Runtime polymorphism

i. Compile Time Polymorphism

A polymorphism which exists at the time of compilation is called Compile Time Polymorphism

Ex: Method Overloading

  • When a class contains more than one method with same name and different types and different number of parameters.
    • int pol(int a)
    • int pol(int a,int b)

ii. Runtime Polymorphism

A polymorphism which exists at the time of execution of program is called Runtime Polymorphism

Ex: Method Overriding

  • Whenever we are writing method in the super(base) and sub(derived) class in such a way that the method name and parameter must be same called method overriding.
  • It uses extends keyword in derived class.
  • We can't perform method overriding without using Inheritance.
    • class A{
          void show()
      class B extends A{
          void show()

Checking whether a method is overriden or not :

2. Inheritance

When we create a new class from existing class in such a way that the new class access all the features and properties of existing class called Inheritance.

  • In java extends keyword is used to perform inheritance.
  • It provides code reusability
  • We can't access private members of class through inheritance.
  • A subclass contains ll the features of super class. Therefore we should create the object of sub class(new class)
  • Method Overriding only possible through inheritance.
    • class A{                               // Base/Super class
          void show()
      class B extends A{                     // Derived/Sub class
          void show()
  • Object hamesha sub class ke banane chahiye, kyuki subclass mein saare properties hote h super class ke.

Types of Inheritance

3. Encapsulation

Encapsulation is a mechanism through which we can wrap the data members and member methods of class in a single unit is called Encapsulation.

Note :-

  • Declare the class variable as a private
  • Declare the class methods as a public
    • class A
          private int value;                  // Data hiding
          public void setValue(int x)         // Data abstraction
              value = x;
          public int getValue()
              return value;
      class B
          public static void main(String args[])
              A obj = new A();

4. Abstraction

Data Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details from the user. Only the highlighted set of services are provided to the user.

Advantages :

  • Security
  • Enhancement

Abstraction level :

  • Abstract class -> 20%
  • Interface -> 100%

Abstract Class

The class which contains the abstract keyword in its declaration is called abstract class.

  • We can't reate object for abstract class.

  • It may or may not contain abstract methods.

  • To use an abstract class, you have to inherit it from subclass.

  • If a class contgain partial implementation then we should declare a class as abstract.

    • Here when the method is abstract, the class will be abstract

    • abstract class A
          abstract void m1()         
    • Here when the method is not abstract then we can make the class as abstract if we want.

    • class A
          public void m1()

Q) Why we don't make object of abstract class?

  • Because we gonna access/use the methods of abstract class from different classses.
    • abstract class animal
          public abstract void eat()
      class dog extends animal
      class tiger extends animal


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