In programming languages there are basically two approaches :
- POPs (Procedural Oriented Programming Structure)
- OOPs (Object Oriented Programming Structure)
OOPs stands on 4 pillars :
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Data Abstraction
Poly means many and morphism means form
Same object having different behaivours.
There are 2 types of Polymorphism:-
i. Compile time polymorphism
ii. Runtime polymorphism
A polymorphism which exists at the time of compilation is called Compile Time Polymorphism
Ex: Method Overloading
- When a class contains more than one method with same name and different types and different number of parameters.
int pol(int a)
int pol(int a,int b)
A polymorphism which exists at the time of execution of program is called Runtime Polymorphism
Ex: Method Overriding
- Whenever we are writing method in the super(base) and sub(derived) class in such a way that the method name and parameter must be same called method overriding.
- It uses extends keyword in derived class.
- We can't perform method overriding without using Inheritance.
class A{ void show() { ----- ----- } } class B extends A{ void show() { ----- ----- } }
Checking whether a method is overriden or not :
When we create a new class from existing class in such a way that the new class access all the features and properties of existing class called Inheritance.
- In java extends keyword is used to perform inheritance.
- It provides code reusability
- We can't access private members of class through inheritance.
- A subclass contains ll the features of super class. Therefore we should create the object of sub class(new class)
- Method Overriding only possible through inheritance.
class A{ // Base/Super class void show() { ----- ----- } } class B extends A{ // Derived/Sub class void show() { ----- ----- } }
- Object hamesha sub class ke banane chahiye, kyuki subclass mein saare properties hote h super class ke.
Encapsulation is a mechanism through which we can wrap the data members and member methods of class in a single unit is called Encapsulation.
Note :-
- Declare the class variable as a private
- Declare the class methods as a public
class A { private int value; // Data hiding public void setValue(int x) // Data abstraction { value = x; } public int getValue() { return value; } } class B { public static void main(String args[]) { A obj = new A(); obj.setValue(100); System.out.println(obj.getValue()); } }
Data Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details from the user. Only the highlighted set of services are provided to the user.
Advantages :
- Security
- Enhancement
Abstraction level :
- Abstract class -> 20%
- Interface -> 100%
The class which contains the abstract keyword in its declaration is called abstract class.
We can't reate object for abstract class.
It may or may not contain abstract methods.
To use an abstract class, you have to inherit it from subclass.
If a class contgain partial implementation then we should declare a class as abstract.
Here when the method is abstract, the class will be abstract
abstract class A { abstract void m1() { ----- ----- } }
Here when the method is not abstract then we can make the class as abstract if we want.
class A { public void m1() { ----- ----- } }
Q) Why we don't make object of abstract class?
- Because we gonna access/use the methods of abstract class from different classses.
abstract class animal { public abstract void eat() } class dog extends animal { ----- ----- } class tiger extends animal { ----- ----- }