Repo for team to do the seven databases in seven weeks book
There is a document on how to contribute
There is a readme in each directory relating to the chapter
We will try and do everything on Unbuntu 14.04 Server with VM's
We will try and get a vagrant build for it all!
- Download version 4.x.x of virtual box and follow the prompts to install. (Note: DO NOT install version 5.x.x as it has network issues with vagrant).
- Download the latest version of vagrant from
- Install vagrant after installing virtual box.
- Navigate to the "vagrant" folder within this project. There should be a Vagrantfile with all the appropriate settings.
- Type "vagrant up {module}" and this should build your vm. {Module} refers to the name of the database you would like to install. By default postgres is installed. e.g "vagrant up riak" would setup a vm with riak installed.
- IP for the vm:
- Default User: vagrant Password: vagrant (Type "vagrant ssh" to use vagrant to login or "ssh [email protected]")
- Also note that the vagrant user is the root user.
- Ports forwarded: 80 -> 9091, 8080 -> 9090, 22 -> 2222.
- Default ram for the vm is 1GB. (Please unsure you have 1GB to spare on your machine)