Symlink each file to its corresponding file.
This tool processes all the files in the current directory and below.
This tool is typically useful for systems that display the files differently:
A typical webserver directory will display the file "" by default.
A typical GitHub website page will display the file "" by default.
This tool helps the project developer be compatibile with both ways:
The tool uses the file "" as the source of truth.
The tool creates (or recreates) the symlink "".
- Program: symlink-index-md-to-readme-md
- Version: 1.1.0
- License: GPL-2.0 OR GPL-3.0 or contact us for more
- Created: 2022-08-06T13:53:48Z
- Updated: 2023-03-21T13:27:52Z
- Website:
- Contact: Joel Parker Henderson ([email protected])