Tags: Skenvy/Sudoku
Executable JAR, Checkstyle with google's style rules. (#11) * lint report added to site * Add checkstyles with google_checks ruleset, to generated reports and test step * Add jxr goal before site goal * Added local checkstyle * Remove all indentation warnings by swapping tabs to spaces and halving existing spaces lead in * Fix javadoc comments begining with too many asterisks * capitalise the perm-comp class * Rename the gui * Fixed everything except missing javadoc comments * Refine comment at top of checkstyle * Added execution entry point to make jar executable * Expanded some things in the pom * refine the readme * Bump the version --------- Co-authored-by: Skenvy <>
Workflows (#5) * copy over some workflows * capitalise the sudoku class file * Combine both into one package, I don't remember why I thought it was good to keep them apart years ago * remove old scripts * remove gradle * Minor version 1 --------- Co-authored-by: Skenvy <>
Add the first snapshot of the JFrame Sudoku Solver Although this snapshot is not the original state, and is half way through being worked on, it is buildable and runnable with the same result as if the original solver was run, with a lot of buttons that do nothing, besides "Solve!" and "New!"