An alternative to MTKClient GUI that isn't in python and doesn't require any dependencies Install Instructions 1-Clone the Repo 2-Copy the Files according to your OS on MTKClient folder 3-Run on Linux or MTKClient_Root_Menu.bat on Windows 4-Profit
Menu Options
- Unlock Bootloader
- Lock Bootloader
- Dump stock boot and vbmeta
- Flash patched boot and blank vbmeta
- Dump Partitions
- Restore Partitions
- Bypass SLA, DAA and SBC
- Exit
There isn't much to say them are pretty much explicative: with first option you can unlock bootloader, with second relock, third is for rooting: it will dump boot and vbmeta partition, then you can patch boot with magisk or apatch and run option 4 to flash patched boot and blank_vbmeta, the 5 option allows the user to input partitions and then runs the dump command, same for option 6 but for restore, option 7 is to bypass SLA, DAA and SBC like on original MTKClient GUI, option 8 exits the menu. Maybe i will implement other stuff in the future.
I hope this Menu will be appreciated, i created it because i'm pissed of MTKClient GUI which since it's written in python it may piss with dependencies and then it could be a hassle to fix errors. No python = No hassle hope you will appreciate
I updated the Menu for the new MTKClient Version, also added a script to lauch it from /usr/local/bin, before that push mtkclient to /opt, I also updated the Windosws vwersion but i won't update the multiple version...