A DCGAN written in Keras based on https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.06434.pdf and trained using a custom mountain dataset (not included) and the Oxford Flower Dataset http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/flowers/
Examples of images generated using the mountains_generator and flowers_generator weighs
The command line interface for the DCGAN is as follows:
--mode choose between the two modes: (train, generate)
--batch_size The size of each batch (default: 128)
--learning_rate The learning rate for the Adam optimizers (default: 0.0002)
--beta_1 The beta 1 value for the Adam optimizers (default: 0.5)
--epochs The amount of epochs the network should train (default: 100)
--data_path The path to the images that should be used for training
--model Choose which weights to use for the generation (default: mountains)
python dcgan.py --mode train --data_path images/small_flowers