- React / Redux
- Node / Express (with Router) / Mongoose (with aggregation)
- JWT / LocalStorage
- CSS3 Flex (Bootstrap for colors and buttons only)
- Heroku (live) and TravisCI (disabled at the moment)
- steamid
- passport-steam
- react-cookie
- Sign in with Steam account using Valve's OAuth
- See summary stats with a link to more
- Create a Group specifying the Heroes you want
- Join a Group by clicking a Hero in one of the Groups below the Group Maker
- More Group management (edit, change Heroes, kick user) and group features (chat, view players' stats) coming soon!
- Self explanatory 😃
- React Router is not used since there are just two pages. LocalStorage stores an "onHome" bool which React/Redux uses to render either the Home Page or the App
- Appearance changes when a group has not been created yet by the user.
- The Hero Selector (not shown) can be accessed from the Group Maker, allowing you to choose 5 heroes for your group.
- The Mini Profile shows your top 3 heroes by total games played in balanced (eg. they count toward matchmaking rating) game types and lobbies.
- Similar stats will be shown for other players in the future.
- Additional future features will be shown here (eg. settings and friends)
- Currently, you can only delete your group or choose another hero (eg. join your own group again)
- Future plans include functionaly to manage your group and the users in it.
- The border colors of the Hero portraits (red, green, blue and white) depend on the Hero's primary stat and who is the group owner. There is currently a bug with this 😢 but it will be corrected soon 😃
- The visual state of joined groups may be incorrect if joining one group from another. Corrected on refresh. Redux and socket.io will be used in the future to create a live feed of groups.