- Pro
Bacomathiques Public
Bacomathiques est un petit site web qui contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour réviser vos maths en toute tranquillité de la Première à la Terminale ! Que vous cherchiez à passer votre Baccala…
OpenAuthenticator Public
Secure your online accounts with Open Authenticator : a free, open-source and lovely-crafted TOTP manager.
MesCoursDeMaths Public
Petit site web où je mets tous mes cours à disposition ainsi que les ressources qui y sont liées.
Bonsoir Public
A Zeroconf library that allows you to discover network services and to broadcast your own. Based on Apple Bonjour and Android NSD.
RateMyApp Public
This plugin allows to kindly ask users to rate your app if custom conditions are met (eg. install time, number of launches, etc...).
SimpleSecureStorage Public
A simple and secure storage system for Flutter.
Agregation Public
Site web me permettant de partager mes ressources consacrées à l'Agrégation de mathématiques.
ThatLatexLib Public
Compile LaTeX files to PDF using the local TeX installation, convert them to HTML using Pandoc, extract & convert images, and more !
riverpod Public
Forked from rrousselGit/riverpodA reactive caching and data-binding framework. Riverpod makes working with asynchronous code a breeze.
Dart MIT License UpdatedDec 24, 2024 -
LaTeXDocker Public
A personal repository that contains TeXLive, pandoc and pdftocairo among other tools.
Shell MIT License UpdatedNov 24, 2024 -
Beerstory Public
Save your favorite beers and find them back instantly !
UnicaenTimetable Public
Allows the students of the University of Caen Normandie to check their timetable directly from their smartphone.
Raspink Public
Raspink is a little utility that allows to display various info on an eInk reader connected to a Raspberry Pi.
NuxtCnameGenerator Public
A Github Pages CNAME generator for Nuxt applications.
TypeScript UpdatedFeb 9, 2024 -
GithubMarkdownRender Public
A small utility that allows to render a given Markdown file hosted on Github.
Vue UpdatedFeb 9, 2024 -
EzLocalization Public
Localize your flutter application quickly and easily.
FlutterFundingChoices Public
The Flutter implementation of Funding Choices, a Google service that allows to request user consent for personalized ads in AdMob.
SkimpleComponents Public archive
SkimpleComponents is my personal components library built on Bootstrap and designed to be used with Nuxt.
Vue MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2023 -
EscapeGameKit Public
EscapeGameKit is a package, entirely built using Flutter, that helps creating escape games.
DayNightSwitcher Public
A simple day / night switcher widget made in pure Dart.
FlutterWeekView Public
Displays a highly customizable week view (or day view) which is able to display events, to be scrolled, to be zoomed-in & out and a lot more !
BubbleShowcase Public
BubbleShowcase is a small but power flutter package that allows you to highlight specific parts of your app to explain them to the user or to showcase your app new features.
FramboisePi Public
Blog consacré au Raspberry Pi. Au programme : des actualités, des tutoriels en français, des conseils, des projets, et bien plus pour exploiter le maximum de votre framboise !
Anaclock Public
Displays hour and date on a Raspberry Pi connected to a 8x32 LED Matrix (from AZ-Delivery).
staticman Public
Forked from eduardoboucas/staticman💪 Static sites with superpowers
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 19, 2020 -
SerialKey Public
Lock your chests and doors.