- Locate the game directory for "Serious Sam Classic The First Encounter" (steam)
- Download and install the latest version of SeriousSam-TFE-Release.apk
- Create a directory on your sdcard called "SeriousSamTFE"
- Copy all *.gro files and Levels folder from the game directory to SeriousSamTFE directory.
At the current time the files are:
- Levels (folder)
- 1_00_ExtraTools.gro
- 1_00_music.gro
- 1_00c.gro
- 1_00c_Logo.gro
- 1_00c_scripts.gro
- 1_04_patch.gro
- Start the game
- The first time will ask you permission to read from external storage
- Locate the game directory for "Serious Sam Classic The Second Encounter" (steam)
- Download and install the latest version of SeriousSam-TSE-Release.apk
- Create a directory on your sd card called "SeriousSamTSE"
- Copy all *.gro files from the game directory to SeriousSamTSE directory.
At the current time the files are:
- SE1_00.gro
- SE1_00_Extra.gro
- SE1_00_ExtraTools.gro
- SE1_00_Levels.gro
- SE1_00_Logo.gro
- SE1_00_Music.gro
- 1_04_patch.gro
- 1_07_tools.gro
- Start the game
- The first time will ask you permission to read from external storage
- Clone or download the repository in a directory
- Open the project in Android Studio
- If necessary install the suggested packages
- Connect an android device with debugging enabled
- Compile and run the game
- Clone or download the repository in a directory
- Download Android SDK (Command line tools only) https://developer.android.com/studio
- Unzip sdk-tools-windows-*.zip to C:\androidsdk (You can change path in local.properties)
- Create a file named 'local.properties' in the project root (near settings.gradle) with the following content:
- Download and install Java SE
- In cmd set JAVA_HOME use command
set JAVA_HOME="C:\jdk\"
- Download tools and NDK. Open cmd in C:\androidsdk\tools\bin\ folder and use command
sdkmanager.bat "cmake;" "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28"
- Open cmd in C:\jdk\bin\ and generate your keystore
keytool.exe -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias release -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
- Move release.keystore to root path of Serious-Sam-Android source
- Configure signing.properties file
- Open cmd in Serious-Sam-Android folder and start compilation
gradlew assembleRelease