- Lyon, France
(UTC +01:00) - https://blog.slashgear.dev
- @slashgear.dev
- in/antoine-caron-slash
- u/slashgear_
personal-blog Public
Personal blog of Antoine Caron aka Slashgear
developers-conferences-agenda Public
Forked from scraly/developers-conferences-agendaThis repository list a maximum of tech conferences's date and CFP in order to help conferences organizers, speakers & attendees
JavaScript UpdatedDec 13, 2024 -
fallback-webpack-plugin Public
Simplifies replacement module plugin with fallback feature.
remotion Public
Forked from remotion-dev/remotion🎥 Create videos programmatically in React
devana-react Public
Forked from Scriptor-Group/devana-reactLe composant Conversation est un composant React qui implémente une conversation interactive avec une intelligence artificielle. Il utilise un hook personnalisé, useChat, pour gérer le stream entre…
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 9, 2024 -
action-check-pr-title Public
Github action to check Pull Request title based on JS Regexp This action in really simple and use Github Action core library base on event of your pull requests No need to install anything on your …
ultraviolet Public
Forked from scaleway/ultravioletA monorepo Design System with React components.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 18, 2024 -
flo-du-bot Public
🤖 Github action to ensure that test are added to a project for new features or bug fixes
scaleway-lib Public
Forked from scaleway/scaleway-libscaleway-lib is a set of NPM packages used at Scaleway
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2023 -
use-reduced-motion Public
React Hook to detect option that reduce browser animation and motion for A11Y
next.js Public
Forked from vercel/next.jsThe React Framework
mixit Public
Forked from mixitconf/mixitMiXiT website
advent-of-code Public
Personal implementation in JS of https://adventofcode.com/ challenge, don't hesitate to take a look if your are stuck
workshop-template Public template
Workshop vuepress template to easily generate static site for your workshop
docker-basics Public
Apprendre les bases de docker en quelques heures.
webservices Public
Course about webservices made with <3 with Vuepress and deployed on Netlify
webpack-workshop Public
webpack workshops to learn concepts, API and best practices
Mermaid Public
Forked from JakeSteam/MermaidA collection of cheatsheets for using Mermaid diagrams on GitHub and elsewhere
genetic-algorithm Public
Genetic algorithm implemented in JS
clever-components Public
Forked from CleverCloud/clever-componentsCollection of Web Components by Clever Cloud
cloud-random-user Public
Random User JSON generator used for workshop avec CI and CD