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Sliicy committed Apr 17, 2020
0 parents commit 4c3e951
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# Eruv-Alerts
This project sends an SMS to every subscriber from an Eruv Alerts Google Spreadsheet, based on the city's status.
184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This script collects candle-lighting times from, weather reports from, and sends an SMS to every subscriber from the Eruv Alerts Google Spreadsheet, based on the city.

# Imports:
from import Client
import gspread, argparse
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import urllib.request, json, argparse

# Add random time delay to prevent being flagged.
from random import randint
from time import sleep
import random

# This function, being data-agnostic, extracts all key-values found in any multilevel JSON file, without knowing the order/hierarchy of the data:
def extract_values(obj, key):
"""Pull all values of specified key from nested JSON."""
arr = []
def extract(obj, arr, key):
"""Recursively search for values of key in JSON tree."""
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
if isinstance(v, (dict, list)):
extract(v, arr, key)
elif k == key:
elif isinstance(obj, list):
for item in obj:
extract(item, arr, key)
return arr
results = extract(obj, arr, key)
return results

# Initialize argument interpretation:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script sends SMS messages via Twilio to subscribers on a Google Sheet.')
parser.add_argument('--test', help='Test run without actually sending.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Helpful for debugging.', action='store_true')
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# Google Authentication from external JSON file:
scope = ['', '']
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('keys/google-auth.json', scope)
gclient = gspread.authorize(creds)
if arguments.verbose: print('Google Authenticated successfully.\n')

# Twilio Authentication from external JSON file:
with open('keys/twilio_auth.json') as file:
twilio_file = json.load(file)
client = Client(twilio_file['account-sid'], twilio_file['password'])
if arguments.verbose: print('Twilio Authenticated successfully.\n')

# Load Open Weather Map Authentication from external JSON file:
with open('keys/open_weather_map.json') as file:
open_weather_map = json.load(file)

# Load lists from sheets:
subscriberSheet ='Eruv List').worksheet('Subscribers')
rabbiSheet ='Eruv List').worksheet('Rabbis')
statusSheet ='Eruv List').worksheet('Status')
if arguments.verbose: print('Google Sheets loaded successfully.\n')

# Create arrays of all elements from the sheets. Skip top row (Timestamp, Phone Number, City, Rabbi's City, Zip Code):
allNumbers = subscriberSheet.col_values(2)[1:]
allUserCities = subscriberSheet.col_values(3)[1:]
allRabbiCities = rabbiSheet.col_values(3)[1:]
allRabbiZips = rabbiSheet.col_values(4)[1:]
allCities = statusSheet.col_values(1)
cityStatuses = statusSheet.col_values(2)
if arguments.verbose: print('Cities loaded successfully.\n')

# Define a list of random greetings to reduce spam detection and add variety:
greetings = ['a great', 'a wonderful', 'an amazing', 'a good']

# For each city in Status Sheet:
cityIndex = 0
for city in allCities:

# Skip if the city status is Pending:
if cityStatuses[cityIndex] == 'Pending':
cityIndex += 1

# Get zipcode of city:
zipIndex = 0
zipcode = 0
for rabbiCity in allRabbiCities:
if rabbiCity == city:
zipcode = allRabbiZips[zipIndex]
zipIndex += 1

# Catch invalid Zip Code:
if zipcode == 0:
print('\nInvalid zipcode detected for ' + city + '!\n')

# Get Candle-lighting, Havdalah, and Parsha/Chag from
hebcalURL = '' + str(zipcode) + '&m=50&a=on'
response = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(hebcalURL, timeout=15).read().decode('utf-8'))

# Find first occurrence of Candle-lighting from JSON:
candleLighting = [i for i in extract_values(response, 'title') if 'Candle' in i][0]

# Find first occurrence of Havdalah from JSON only if Havdalah exists:
havdalah = ''

# Verify there's a Havdalah entry first:
if len([i for i in extract_values(response, 'title') if 'Havdalah' in i]) > 0:
havdalah = [i for i in extract_values(response, 'title') if 'Havdalah' in i][0]
havdalah = havdalah + '. '
if len(havdalah) == 0: print('No Havdalah time detected!')

# No holiday by default:
holiday = ''

# Check if any Parsha is listed in JSON:
if [i for i in extract_values(response, 'title') if 'Parsha' in i]:

# Find first occurrence of Parsha from JSON:
parsha = [i for i in extract_values(response, 'title') if 'Parsha' in i][0] + '.'


# No Parsha listed; assume it's a holiday:
parsha = 'Chag Somayach!'
holiday = ' and Yom Tov'

# If there's a thunderstorm or tornado, warn users to be vigilant:
weatherResponse = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen('' + str(zipcode) + ',us&appid=' + open_weather_map['api-key'], timeout=15).read().decode('utf-8'))
temperature = 'Temperature: ' + str(int(1.8 * (weatherResponse['main']['temp'] - 273.15) + 32)) + 'F'
humidity = str(weatherResponse['main']['humidity']) + '% humid'

# Prequel & sequel change if there's a storm:
prequel = ' The '
sequel = ''

if [i for i in extract_values(weatherResponse, 'description') if 'thunderstorm' in i or 'tornado' in i]:
prequel = ' As of now, the '
sequel = 'If winds exceed 35 mph, consider the Eruv down. '

# Loop through all users from city and send:
userIndex = 0
userCount = 0
for cityFound in allUserCities:
for cityItem in [x.strip() for x in cityFound.split(',')]:
if city == cityItem:

# Final message:
havdalah = ''
message = parsha + prequel + city + ' Eruv is ' + cityStatuses[cityIndex] + '. ' + sequel + candleLighting + '. ' + havdalah + ('Have ' + random.choice(greetings) + ' Shabbos' + holiday + '!' if sequel == '' else '.')

# Try to shorten the message if necessary:
if len(message) > 160: message = message.replace(' (50 min)', '')

# Warn if message still exceeds 160 characrters:
if len(message) > 160:
print('Message for ' + city + ' exceeds 160 character limit!\nMessage: ' + message)

# Add optional parameters to select cities: (links may be flagged as spam)
#if city == 'North Miami Beach': message = message + ' Please visit to cover the costs.'

# Sanitize the phone number from special characters:
cleanNumber = '+1' + str(allNumbers[userIndex]).replace("-", "").replace(" ", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(".", "").replace("_", "")

# Display and send:
if arguments.verbose: print(cleanNumber + ' > ' + message)

# Send if no testing argument:
if not arguments.test: twilio_message = client.messages.create(to=cleanNumber, from_=twilio_file['phone'], body=message)

# Wait a random amount of seconds between sending (0 - 2 seconds):

userCount += 1
userIndex += 1
print('\n' + str(userCount) + ' users notified in ' + city + '.\n')
cityIndex += 1

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