Aur Build Bot is a simple python flask web application which updates and deploys AUR Packages automatically into a by the application genererated repository.
The app exposes a simple web interface where packages can be added to the build list.
By default, the configuration is located at ~/.local/share/AurBuildBot/config.cfg
From there you can specify the repository name (needs to be used in pacman.conf) and the login password.
Default login credentials:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Note: The user the bot is running with should have sudo rights without asking for a password.
First you need the following dependencies
pacman -S python python-pip
Then install the python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run the Server with
Grab the example docker-compose.yml and it's config files from examples/docker/
and modify it to your liking.
Start the server
docker-compose up
Edit your pacman.conf
sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
Append the server at the end of the file
Server = http://address:8080/
If you don´t want to sign the packages created add RemoteFileSigLevel = Optional
to your pacman.conf