Releases of Spring Web Services are available for download from Maven Central, as well as our own repository,
Please visit to get the right Maven/Gradle settings for your selected version.
mvn clean package
This will generate the artifacts.
You can also import the project into your IDE.
Snapshots are published automatically via CI server by doing this:
$ USERNAME=<username> PASSWORD=<encrypted password> ./mvnw -Pdistribute,snapshot,docs clean -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy
Snapshots do NOT include GPG signatures. To do so would require putting a private key on the CI server. The process for releases (below) is manual and DOES include GPG signatures. |
To do a release (.RELEASE, .RC?, .M?):
Check in all changes and ensure there are no edited files.
Bump up the version in ALL
files to the desired version (e.g.mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=3.0.0.RC1
) and commit the change. -
git tag <version>
(like v3.0.0.RC1) -
Execute a maven test (
./mvnw -Pdistribute,snapshot,docs clean test
). -
Execute a maven deploy.
For a milestone:
USERNAME=<user> PASSWORD=<encrypted password> ./mvnw -Pdistribute,milestone,docs clean -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy
For a release:
USERNAME=<user> PASSWORD=<encrypted password> ./mvnw -Pdistribute,release,docs clean -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy
For a release to maven central:
USERNAME=<user> PASSWORD=<nexus password> ./mvnw -Pdistribute,gpg,central,docs clean -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy -s settings.xml
Bump up the version in ALL
files again to the next BUILD-SNAPSHOT. -
Commit the change.
git push
(This will push the tagged version along with the release AND the new snapshot commit) -
Inspect handiwork at or
A word about reference documentation. Based upon this, the distribute profile contains an artifactory property that is applied to the ZIP file generated by the docs profile. A CRON job will scoop up the zipped up docs and unpack them inside the target location.
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].
You can find the documentation, issue management, support, samples, and guides for using Spring Web Services at
See the current Javadoc and reference docs.
Spring Web Services uses JIRA for issue tracking purposes
Spring Web Services is Apache 2.0 licensed.