University of Campinas
Institute of Computing
Laboratory of Security and Cryptography
Author: Jheyne N. Ortiz, MSc. student @ IC-UNICAMP
Advisors: Ricardo Dahab and Diego F. Aranha
Sampling from integers. Knuth-Yao and discrete Ziggurat constant-time implementation.
Basis orthogonalization. Usual Gram-Schmidt procedure and Block-GSO algorithm of (Lyubashevsky and Prest, 2015).
Discrete sampling from lattices. Usual Gaussian sampler, which is quite similiar to Klein's, Klein's and Peikert's methods, and the compact Gaussian sampler of (Lyubashevsky and Prest, 2015).
Ongoing. Hybrid sampler of (Ducas and Prest, 2015) for discrete Gaussian sampling from lattices.