- Pro
bilibili_video_download Public
Forked from drakeiris/bilibili_video_downloadB站视频下载,单个/批量。注:此工具仅方便个人收藏视频之用,所获数据绝不进行传播和谋取利益等一切侵犯他人正当权益的行为,违者责任自负。开源是情分,不是责任和义务。
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2019 -
clDNN Public
Forked from intel/clDNNCompute Library for Deep Neural Networks (clDNN)
C++ UpdatedAug 13, 2019 -
Office2PDF Public
Forked from evgo2017/Office2PDFOffice 文件(word、excel、ppt)批量转为 PDF 文件,源码及程序,功能文档较完善,已用半年非常满意
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 13, 2019 -
LQRWeChat Public
Forked from GitLqr/LQRWeChat本项目仿最新版微信6.5.7(除图片选择器外),基于融云SDK,使用目前较火的 Rxjava+Retrofit+MVP+Glide 技术开发。相比上个版本,加入发送位置消息,红包消息等功能。
Java MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2019 -
NSFC-LaTeX-Template Public
Forked from yuchen1024/NSFC-LaTeX-TemplateThis is a simple NSFC LaTeX template.
TeX UpdatedFeb 18, 2019 -
Shamir-Secret-Sharing-Scheme Public
Forked from costinbusioc/Shamir-Secret-Sharing-SchemeShamir Secret Sharing Scheme Implementation
C++ UpdatedFeb 13, 2019 -
NFLlib Public
Forked from quarkslab/NFLlibNTT-based Fast Lattice library
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 1, 2018 -
MatrixLIB Public
Forked from lqsheng/MatrixLIB一个基于模板的C++矩阵运算库,简单易用,支持加减乘除转置求逆等常用运算. A template based C++ matrix operation library, which is simple and easy to use, and supports common operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication an…
C++ UpdatedMay 1, 2018 -
lagrange-cpp Public
Forked from lovasoa/lagrange-cppLagrange interpolation polynomials in C++11
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 1, 2018 -
code Public
Forked from lbibe/codeLattice-based signature and Identity-Based Encryption are well-known cryptographic schemes, and having both efficient and provable secure schemes in the standard model is still a challenging task i…
C++ UpdatedJan 22, 2018 -
HIBE-Gaussian-Sampling Public
Forked from jnortiz/HIBE-Gaussian-SamplingSoftware implementation of Gaussian sampling algorithms in C++ using NTL library.
C++ UpdatedOct 14, 2017 -
SSR-Bash-Python Public
Forked from beststarry/SSR-Bash-PythonShadowsoksR多用户管理脚本,轻松添加修改,删除用户。
CSS GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 22, 2017 -
wechat-Bottom-navigation Public
Forked from UCASer-Fan/wechat-Bottom-navigation高仿微信底部导航(利用ArgbEvaluator实现字体的变化,自定义imageview实现图片的渐变) 简单易懂, 可直接copy下来放到自己的项目中, 代码量也比较少
Java UpdatedMay 25, 2017 -
Toolkit-for-Ring-LWE-v1.0 Public
Forked from CMMayer/Toolkit-for-Ring-LWE-v1.0Implementation of a toolkit for ring-LWE based cryptography in arbitrary cyclotomic number fields.
C++ UpdatedMar 3, 2016 -
Gaussian-Sampling Public
Forked from jnortiz/Gaussian-SamplingSoftware implementation of Gaussian sampling algorithms in C++ using NTL library.
C++ UpdatedNov 6, 2015 -
AccessTree Public
Forked from liuyueyi/AccessTreethe source code of access tree
C++ UpdatedNov 14, 2013 -
Graduation Public
Forked from liuyueyi/GraduationThe project for graduation
C++ UpdatedSep 18, 2013 -