使用C++对Minimum Snap算法进行了实现,实现的结果超过了论文中给出的计算速度。并且实现了三维和二维的Minimum Snap轨迹生成算法's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
机器人视觉 移动机器人 VS-SLAM ORB-SLAM2 深度学习目标检测 yolov3 行为检测 opencv PCL 机器学习 无人驾驶
Learn OpenCV in 4 Hours - Code used in my Python and OpenCV course on freeCodeCamp.
A C++ ROS package implementing trajectory planning using MPC for an autonomous vehicle project
Model Predictive Contouring Controller (MPCC) for Autonomous Racing
OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
Pretrained DeepLabv3 and DeepLabv3+ for Pascal VOC & Cityscapes
如果你想使用Qt如鱼得水, 这里的东西值得你学习。
C++提高 (看过c++基础之后再看)黑马培训课程,自己手打,路径
Complete Coverage Path Planning Using BCD Algorithm
深蓝学院课程Motion Planning for Mobile Robots:
深蓝学院《移动机器人运动规划》作业代码 - Amos98
A collection of work using nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) with discrete-time control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) and control barrier functions (CBFs)
This repository implements a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) approach for tracking local trajectories generated by Fastplanner.