Gooey is a pixel-focused immediate-mode GUI for games, written in Go for Ebitengine.
Next question.
Pretty easily:
type Game struct {}
func (g *Game) Init() {
gooey.Init(640, 360) // Create GUI backbuffer
func (g *Game) Update() error { return nil }
func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
gooey.Clear() // Clear the GUI backbuffer.
a := gooey.NewArea("root", 0, 0, 640, 360) // Define an area, with a given ID and X, Y, W, and H.
// Draw and check to see if a button was pressed.
if a.UIButton("testButton", gooey.ButtonOptions{Label: "Test."}) {
fmt.Println("The Test button was pressed.")
// Draw the result.
screen.DrawImage(gooey.Texture(), nil)
func (g *Game) Layout(w, h int) (int, int) { return 640, 360 }
func main() {
if err := n.RunGame(&Game{}); err != nil { panic(err) }