Added macros with functionality to follow PF1's weather rules found at:
Manifest URL:
Release of 1.0.10 failed to include ft to m conversions. Fixing in this release.
Now checks units used in PF1 to change temp from F to C. (Doesn't retroactivly change previously generated weather)
Fixed issue where whispering message to GM didn't work if GM wasn't named "Gamemaster"
Fixed major issue where dates were being done incorrectly causing issues with creating and deleting notes from simple calendar.
Added check that user was GM before rendering Simple Calendar Side Panel, changed system definition in manifest json to remove warning from foundry vtt.
Updated to work for Foundry V11, replaced Simple Calendar side buttons with a panel that holds the dropdowns for weather rolls, season is now set based off what season Simple Calendar is set to (Will more than likely cause issue if a custom season is used in SC).
Added buttons to SimpleCalendar that remove current day weather report and one to remove all future weather reports.
Added functionality with SimpleCalendar ( to add a weather report as a note on the calendar based off current date.