Tags: SonyPony/cvat
Release v2.4.4 ### Added - Introduced a new configuration option for controlling the invocation of Nuclio functions. (<cvat-ai#6146>) ### Changed - Relocated SAM masks decoder to frontend operation. (<cvat-ai#6019>) - Switched `person-reidentification-retail-0300` and `faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco` Nuclio functions with `person-reidentification-retail-0277` and `faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco` respectively. (<cvat-ai#6129>) - Upgraded OpenVINO-based Nuclio functions to utilize the OpenVINO 2022.3 runtime. (<cvat-ai#6129>) ### Fixed - Resolved issues with tracking multiple objects (30 and more) using the TransT tracker. (<cvat-ai#6073>) - Addressed azure.core.exceptions.ResourceExistsError: The specified blob already exists. (<cvat-ai#6082>) - Corrected image scaling issues when transitioning between images of different resolutions. (<cvat-ai#6081>) - Fixed inaccurate reporting of completed job counts. (<cvat-ai#6098>) - Allowed OpenVINO-based Nuclio functions to be deployed to Kubernetes. (<cvat-ai#6129>) - Improved skeleton size checks after drawing. (<cvat-ai#6156>) - Fixed HRNet CPU serverless function. (<cvat-ai#6150>) - Prevented sending of empty list of events. (<cvat-ai#6154>)
Merge pull request cvat-ai#6030 from opencv/release-2.4.2 Release v2.4.2
Merge pull request cvat-ai#5980 from opencv/hotfix-2.4.1 Hotfix for v2.4.0 -> Release v2.4.1
Merge pull request cvat-ai#4556 from openvinotoolkit/release-2.1.0 release v2.1.0
Merge pull request cvat-ai#4422 from openvinotoolkit/release-2.0.0 Release v2.0.0