A full stack application that simulates a ticket selling system with multiple vendors and customers. The system demonstrates concurrent ticket transcriptions in a controlled environment
- Multi-threaded ticket vending simulation
- Real-time monitoring of ticket sales
- Configuration number of vendors and customers
- Adjustable ticket release and purchase rates
- Web-based control interface
- Real-time simulation logs
- Persistent configuration management
- Java 11
- Spring Boot 2.7.14
- Maven
- Lombok
- Swagger UI
- React 18
- Vite
- React Bootstrap
- React Router Dom
- Axios
- React Hook Form
- SockJS Client
Before you begin, ensure the following are installed:
- Java 11
- Node.js 14 or higher
- npm 6 or higher
- Maven 3.6 or higher
*The backend server will start on http://localhost:8081
Navigate to the frontend directory
cd frontend
Install Dependencies
npm install
Start the development server
npm run dev
Access the application at http://localhost:5173
The application uses a config.json file for storing simulation parameters. Key configuration parameters include
- Total number of tickets
- Ticket release rate
- Customer retrieval rate
- Maximum ticket capacity
Base URL: http://localhost:8081/api/config
POST /select-configuration
- Purpose: Select configuration type (new/existing/default)
- Body: { "configurationType": "USE_EXISTING" | "USE_DEFAULT" }
- Returns: Configuration status
POST /save-config
- Purpose: Save new configuration
- Body: {
"totalTicketNumber": number,
"ticketReleaseRate": number,
"customerRetrievalRate": number,
"maxTicketCapacity": number
- Returns: Saved configuration
GET /get-config-status
- Purpose: Get current configuration status
- Returns: Configuration status object```
Base URL: http://localhost:8081/api/simulation
POST /start-simulation
- Purpose: Start the ticket simulation
- Returns: Simulation start status
POST /stop-simulation
- Purpose: Stop the running simulation
- Returns: Simulation stop status
POST /set-simulation-number-setting
- Purpose: Configure vendor and customer counts
- Body: {
"numOfVendors": number,
"numOfCustomers": number
- Returns: Updated simulation settings
Base URL: http://localhost:8081/api/simulation-logs
GET /recent
- Purpose: Fetch recent simulation logs
- Returns: Array of log entries with timestamps
Base URL: http://localhost:8081/api/ticket
POST /save-ticket
- Purpose: Save ticket details for simulation
- Body: {
"event": string,
"price": number
- Returns: Saved ticket details
Base URL: http://localhost:8081/api/vendor
POST /save-vendor
- Purpose: Save vendor configuration
- Body: Vendor details object
- Returns: Saved vendor configuration
Base URL: http://localhost:8081/api/customer
POST /save-customer
- Purpose: Save customer configuration
- Body: Customer details object
- Returns: Saved customer configuration
- Spring Framework documentation
- React Documentation
- Java Concurrency in Practice book
- University of Westminster Lecture Slides