Some small tools to help with RNA-seq analysis
pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/SouthernCD/RNASeqTools.git
Get gene model (longest mRNA) length from GFF file
RNASeqTools GetGeneLength [-h] gff_file gene_length_file
positional arguments:
gff_file a gff file
gene_length_file gene length file (output)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Give me a matrix of count. I can convert him into a TMM, FPKM and TPM matrix.
To get the TMM matrix, I depend on a perl script named
from Trinity, so you need to installTrinity
first and make
is in your PATH.
RNASeqTools Count2TMM [-h] count_matrix gene_length_file output_prefix
positional arguments:
count_matrix a count matrix, row is gene, column is sample, mast have header in tsv format
gene_length_file gene length file, two columns, first is gene name, second is gene length
output_prefix output prefix, you will get output_prefix.TMM.matrix, output_prefix.fpkm.matrix and output_prefix.tpm.matrix
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Sometimes we want to map the expression information obtained from de novo transcriptome assembly data to a reference genome of a closely related species, and DenovoCount2RefCount helps you do that!
RNASeqTools DenovoCount2RefCount [-h] [-f REF_GENOME_FASTA] [-g REF_GENOME_GFF] [-c REF_CDNA_FASTA] [-o WORK_DIR] [-m MAP_PROGRAM] de_novo_fasta de_novo_trans_gene_map rsem_gene_results
positional arguments:
de_novo_fasta a fasta file from trinity output
a gene_trans_map file from trinity output
rsem_gene_results a rsem gene results file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f REF_GENOME_FASTA, --ref_genome_fasta REF_GENOME_FASTA
refernce genome fasta
-g REF_GENOME_GFF, --ref_genome_gff REF_GENOME_GFF
refernce genome gff
refernce cDNA fasta, if not given, will use ref_genome_fasta and ref_genome_gff, only work for blast
-o WORK_DIR, --work_dir WORK_DIR
work dir
-m MAP_PROGRAM, --map_program MAP_PROGRAM
map program, blat or blast
Mapping trinity results and rsem results to a reference genome using blat
RNASeqTools DenovoCount2RefCount -f ref_genome.fna -g ref_genome.gff -o map_out -m blat Trinity.fasta Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map rsem.genes.results
Mapping trinity results and rsem results to a reference genome cDNA using blast
RNASeqTools DenovoCount2RefCount -c ref_cDNA.fna -o map_out -m blast Trinity.fasta Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map rsem.genes.results
RNASeqTools GetGeneLength gene_model.gff gene_length.tsv
RNASeqTools Count2TMM count_matrix.tsv gene_length.tsv output_prefix