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v0.9.7 - May 31st, 2022 Build

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@Soviet5lo Soviet5lo released this 31 May 03:10
· 31 commits to develop since this release

An even smaller release primarily for Junethack 2022 featuring a few bugfixes, but a couple of larger changes went in as well.

  • Added a new technique from Slash'EM-Up: Shield Block, requires a shield to be worn but when used all physical attacks are blocked by the shield, with the damage being subtracted from your energy instead of HP. Lasts for d(3,4) + TECHLEV turns. Knights, Valks and Warriors get this technique at level 1, Gladiators and Paladins at level 3, and Undead Slayers and Priests at level 7.
  • Implemented the Astral Escape patch by Chi, enabled by default in config.h
  • Implemented the Extra Status Attributes patch by paxed
  • Refactored the wounds patch to be based on Unnethack's code. tl;dr, gives the player slightly more detail, with less message spam and can be turned off entirely with the "wounds" option.

Full changelog with details can be found here.