Some modern workflows need test coverage report to be generated with Cobertura. Phpunit does not support (yet ?) Cobertura report generation.
This project aims to solve this.
Via composer :
composer require --dev soyhuce/phpunit-to-cobertura
That's all !
First, you need to run your phpunit tests with code coverage enabled. This needs to generate (at least) the code coverage in php format.
<coverage processUncoveredFiles="true">
<directory suffix=".php">src</directory>
<php outputFile="./phpunit/codeCoverage.php"/>
Once done, you can convert the php code coverage into a Cobertura coverage.
./vendor/bin/phpunit-to-cobertura ./phpunit/codeCoverage.php ./phpunit/coberturaCoverage.xml
Fow now, only PHPUnit 9.3 is supported.
You are welcome to contribute to this project ! Please see
This package is provided under the MIT License