Yeah, this is the place where I'll store my stuff. Updates will come when they do. Many more fics (mostly long) are planned for the next few years (yes, years).
All of the fanfics will be released for FREE on QuoteV (or AO3, idk, haven't properly decided yet).
Standard Content/Trigger Warnings apply (but are not necessarily limited to):-
Intense Violence, Blood & Gore, Strong Language, Sexual Content/Scenes, Full & Partial Nudity, Alcohol Consumption, Smoking, Human & Animal Death, and so on.
FF1 (1) and (2) is my 1st fanfic, just split up for file size purposes.
Probable Roadmap (subject to multiple changes)
Late 2024- Early 2025: VTM: Shadows Over Plaintry (Early Access)
Early 2025: Full Release for VTM: Shadows Over Plaintry
Early 2025: Writing begins on VTM: The Golden Goose and VTM: The Den Of Snakes
Mid 2025: Early Access for VTM: The Golden Goose and VTM: The Den Of Snakes
Late 2025: --
Early 2026: Full Release for VTM: The Golden Goose and VTM: The Den Of Snakes
Early 2026: Writing begins on VTM: The Velvet Curtain and VTM: Aeterna Servitus
Mid 2026: Early Access for VTM: The Velvet Curtain and VTM: Aeterna Servitus
Late 2026: --
2027 and beyond: Writing for WTA: Automata and other WOD-related projects (TBD)