SpeedyWeather v0.6.0
Closed issues:
- 16-bit FFT (#31)
- Expanding the Documentation (#263)
- Cannot run example on non-GPU system (#282)
- Windows permssions problem (#285)
- Precompilation warnings? (#296)
- Away from monolithic
? (#320) - CI runs on latest Julia release -- should we add more? (#325)
- Query about computational resources (#342)
- CI test on supported Julia versions? (#359)
- Precompilation errors of IrrationalConstants dependency (#366)
- SpectralGrid not defined in v0.5 (#367)
Merged pull requests:
- New SpectralGrid, Model, initialize!, simulation, run! structure (#327) (@milankl)
- Add clarification for SWE variables (#332) (@navidcy)
- Update README.md (#333) (@milankl)
- RingGrids and LowerTriangularMatrices docs (#335) (@milankl)
- remove Model from SpectralGrid (#336) (@milankl)
- Update README.md (#337) (@milankl)
- SpeedyCondensation implemented (#338) (@milankl)
- Update README.md (#339) (@milankl)
- NetCDF output documented (#340) (@milankl)
- Barotropic vorticity equation algorithm described (#341) (@milankl)
- barotropic, shallowwater test cases (#343) (@milankl)
- absolute paths docs img (#344) (@milankl)
- Run examples and produce output with every Docs built (#345) (@navidcy)
- Plot
as Unicode heatmap (#346) (@milankl) - Barotropic, shallow water, and some primitive model documentation (#348) (@milankl)
- Update README.md with logo (#349) (@milankl)
- Fix typos in docs (#351) (@pitmonticone)
- Fix typos in mk/docs (#352) (@pitmonticone)
- Move clock to prognostic variables (#353) (@milankl)
- plot small grids without spaces (#354) (@milankl)
- Non-adaptive implicit: temp_profile in implicit only (#355) (@milankl)
- SpectralTransform for square LowerTriMats too (#356) (@milankl)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for KernelAbstractions to 0.9, (keep existi… (#357) (@milankl)
- Support KernelAbstractions 0.9 (#358) (@vchuravy)
- Other video for primitive (#360) (@milankl)
- CI tests on Julia 1.8, 1.9 + test on Julia nightly every week (#361) (@milankl)
- Different vertical advection schemes (#362) (@simone-silvestri)
- SpeedyTransforms documentation (#363) (@milankl)
- Increase test tolerance (#364) (@milankl)
- Primitive equation documentation (#365) (@milankl)
- Bugfix in vertical advection (#368) (@simone-silvestri)
- Speedstring precompilation warning (#369) (@milankl)
- Full and octahedral Gaussian grid documented (#371) (@milankl)
- get_truncation(::AbstractGrid) (#373) (@milankl)
- bump to v0.6 (#374) (@milankl)