SpeedyWeather v0.8.0
Merged pull requests:
- Make prognostics available for forcing, drag in Barotropic/SWM (#423) (@milankl)
- Stochastic stirring video (#424) (@milankl)
- Add random wave video (#425) (@milankl)
- Export forcing!, drag!, etc for extending those with fewer conflicts (#426) (@milankl)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Adapt to 4, (keep existing compat) (#427) (@milankl)
- Use Julia v1.10 for CI and building Docs (#428) (@navidcy)
- Add compat entry for NCDatasets v0.14 (#429) (@navidcy)
- Adjust time step with radius (#430) (@milankl)
- Add remark about Julia compat (#431) (@navidcy)
- Switch off dynamics (#432) (@milankl)
- Vertical diffusion of humidity (#433) (@milankl)
- NoBoundaryLayer but TemperatureRelaxation default for dry & wet models (#435) (@milankl)
- bump to v0.8 (#437) (@milankl)
Closed issues:
- Literated example with the animation that is currently in
? (#297) - Global shallow-water run (#323)
- Hybrid vertical coordinates (#329)
- What constitutes the 'state' of the model at a particular timestep (#347)
- SpeedyWeather's logic and information flow (#350)
- Zanna & Bolton eddy parameterization (#402)