Please note that the code isn't up to date with the deployment. Working on getting the code out ASAP!
Since I just learnt the Google Authentication API, the application isn't in its prime yet!
A small project made using React.js, Express,js, Redux, Node.js and Mongo.db in accordance with the JavaScript Mastery workshop.
Goal of Workshop: Getting Comfortable with the MERN stack and just overall learning!
Styling brought to you by Material-UI: Design Language Developed by Google
If any of the deployments are down, I'm either saving hours on Heroku or working on something new!
If you would like to see the back end in action, it's been deployed to Heroku: https://https://memories-api-spencerkifell.herokuapp.com/
If any of the deployments are down, I'm either saving hours on Netlify or working on something new!
If you would like to see the front end in action, it's been deployed to Netlify: https://memories-spencerkifell.netlify.app
- If you want to try this out for yourself, please reference .env.examples in order to get the environment set-up properly.
- This project was inspired by the JS Mastery Workshop: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmXmlB4-HJytD7wek0Uo97A
- Since the application is deployed, posts made aren't necesarily mine. As of publication there is one post.