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judofyr committed Nov 28, 2010
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entry: refinements-in-ruby

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Title: Refinements in Ruby
Subtitle: Monkey patching for friendly monkeys
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At RubyConf 2010 Shugo Maeda [talked about *Refinements*][rc-talk]: A proposal
for a new feature in Ruby which allows you to easily override methods without
affecting other parts of your program:

module TimeExtensions
refine Fixnum do
def minutes; self * 60; end

class MyApp
using TimeExtensions

def initialize
p 2.minutes
end # => 120
p 2.minutes # => NoMethodError
{: lang=ruby }

Let's have a look at the *why's* and *how's* of this proposal.


## The Power of Monkey Patching

Ruby allows you to both open previously defined classes and redefine any
method. In addition, Ruby doesn't treat core classes any differently from
user-defined classes, so this gives you a lot of power to completely change the
behaviour Ruby. This is of course a double edged sword: You can more easily
change Ruby to match your thoughts (rather than changing your thoughts to match
Ruby), but it also means that everyone else now needs to follow your rules.

Getting everyone to play along nicely has proven to be a challenge, and the
solution has always been solved socially. As long as two core teams (let's say
Rails and DataMapper) work together, they can quite easily solve any problems,
but the real issue is when you, as a user, want to use two libraries together.
The libraries may work perfectly separately, but the moment you combine them
you'll get some weird behaviour. There's not really much to can do, other than
waiting for the library to be updated (or do the work yourself).

## A wild Classbox appears!

If you've been following the development of Ruby, you may have heard of
[*classboxes*][classbox]. They were first introduced by Alexandre Bergel,
Stéphane Ducasse, and Roel Wuyts in 2003 by the paper [Classboxes: A Minimal
Module Model Supporting Local Rebinding][classbox-paper]. It's essentially a
way to monkey patch classes and methods, but only within the context of *your*
code and not globally. At the moment, it's been implemented in Smalltalk
(Squak), Java and .Net, but there's also been some work at trying to apply it
to Ruby.

The refinements proposal by Shugo captures the same idea as classboxes, but it
behaves slightly differently in certain cases (we'll get back to those in a
minute). The differences are not big enough to justify having both refinements
and classboxes, so expect this to be the only way to safely monkey patch in
Ruby in the following years (if the proposal gets accepted of course).

While this is still only a proposal, Shugo has actually implemented it in Ruby
1.9 *and* provided a patch, so why not install it right away so you can play
with it as we go through the features?

## Installing

In order to install the refinements version of Ruby, you need to grab **r29837**
of [trunk][trunk] and apply [the refinements-patch][patch]. If you're using
[rvm][rvm], it's as simple as:

$ curl -O
$ rvm install ruby-head-r29837 --patch refinements.diff
$ rvm ruby-head-r29837

Or manually:

$ svn checkout -q -r 29837 ruby-refinements
$ cd ruby-refinements
$ curl | patch -p1
$ autoconf
$ ./configure --prefix /usr/local/ruby-refinements
$ make
$ make install
$ export PATH="/usr/local/ruby-refinements/bin:$PATH"

Now you should be able to run all of the examples given in this article.

## Refine, don't redefine

Instead of redefining or defining new methods directly on classes, you'll
create *refinements*:

module JSONGenerator
refine String do
def to_json; inspect end

refine Fixnum do
def to_json; to_s end

refine Array do
def to_json
# Refinements can see one another, so we can use String#to_json and
# Fixnum#to_json as part of the definition of Array#to_json.
"[" + map { |x| x.to_json } + "]"
{: lang=ruby }

If you don't do anything other than that, you won't notice anything at all.
However, now you can choose to use this refinement at many different scopes:

using JSONGenerator # For the whole file

module Application
using JSONGenerator # For this module and any sub-classes/modules
# E.g. this also applies to Application::Controller

# It works directly inside the class definition:

# And inside methods:
def self.hello

class Controllers
using JSONGenerator # For this class and any sub-classes/modules

def get
using JSONGenerator # For this method only
[1, 2, 3].to_json
{: lang=ruby }

The great thing about refinements, is that it's technically impossible to
globally leak them. They will always be restricted to the scope you specify,
and there's nothing "above" the file scope.

That's not *always* true though. Refinements are also enabled in subclasses and
reopened classes, even if they are located in different files.

class ApplicationController
using JSONGenerator

# Somewhere else:
class ApplicationController
p 123.to_json # Still works

class UsersController < ApplicationController
p 123.to_json # Still works

p 123.to_json # This doesn't work however
{: lang=ruby }

But here comes the best part: Refinements are also carried on in class_eval,
module_eval and instance_eval:

module Expectations
refine Object do
def should; ... end

def it(msg, &blk)
# Remember that refinements can see one another:

it "should be awesome" do
:refinements.level.should == :awesome
{: lang=ruby }

Holy Schmoly, now we're talking! Even this works as expected:

class TestScope
using Expectations
attr_reader :msg

def initialize(msg)
@msg = msg

def it(msg, &blk)
{: lang=ruby }

Refinements are also inherited, so Rails 4 could provide this module:

module ActiveSupport::All
using ActiveSupport::Autoload
using ActiveSupport::Callbacks
# and so on ...
{: lang=ruby }

And because refinements are also enabled in subclasses:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
using ActiveSupport::All

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def index
@articles = Article.where("created_at > ?", 3.days.ago)
{: lang=ruby }

You can continue developing **in the exact same way** as before, but now without
leaking anything into the global namespace.

*(This is the moment where you're proposing to marry Shugo.)*

## What's the catch?

There's a few things you need to be aware of. First of all, there might be a
little decrease in performance. Hopefully this will be resolved (or turn out to
be insignificant) in the future. Other issues:

### #include and #using are completely separated:

module Rack::Utils
refine Object do
def call; ... end

def escape_html; ... end

# I want use both:
module Camping
include Rack::Utils
using Rack::Utils
{: lang=ruby }

Because refinements are lexically scoped, it's also not possible to combine
them with an included hook:

module Rack::Utils
def self.included(mod)
# Doesn't work as expected:
mod.send(:using, self)

module Camping
include Rack::Utils
{: lang=ruby }

You can however use the *used* hook:

module Rack::Utils
def self.used(mod)
mod.send(:include, self)

module Camping
using Rack::Utils
{: lang=ruby }

### Singleton methods in refinements are not included:

module FixnumExt
# This has no effect:
refine Fixnum do
def self.thing; ... end

# Use this instead:
refine Fixnum.singleton_class do
def thing; ... end
{: lang=ruby }

### You can't refine modules:

module EnumerableExt
# Error:
refine Enumerable do
{: lang=ruby }

### Refinements don't have local rebinding

Another important fact is that, unlike classboxes, refinements don't have
*local rebinding*. Let me show you an example:

class CharArray
def initialize(str)
@array = str.unpack("C*") # Unpacks to integers

def each(&blk)

def print_each
each { |chr| p chr }

test ="Hello World")
test.print_each # Prints a list of integers (expected)

# A refinement which overwrites CharArray#each to return one-char strings
# instead of integers:
module CharArrayStr
refine CharArray do
def each
super { |c| yield c.chr }

using CharArrayStr
test.each { |x| p x } # Prints a list of strings
test.print_each # Prints a list of integers?!
{: lang=ruby }

At first, it might seem counter-intuitive. Why does the last line prints a list
of integers? Why isn't the refinement enabled in that method? As you might have
guessed, it's because refinements don't have *local rebinding*. This means that
the refinements will *only* apply to the scope they are enabled. The moment you
call a method *outside* of the scope, none of the refinements apply anymore.

The advantage of this is that you can safely override methods without thinking
about breaking anything else. You simply can't refine code in another scope.
However, there's a huge disadvantage: If there's a "core" method (like #each
above) which is used by several other methods, you can't affect the other

Local rebinding might be implemented, but in that case, refinements will be
renamed to classbox (since that's what they are).

## Current status

As I've mentioned earlier, there is currently [a patch][patch] available that
builds cleanly on top of r29837. There are some implementation details which
might need to be resolved, but as far as I know, **both matz and ko1 are
positive for merging the patch.**

## Resources

* [The slides to Shugo's talk](
* [The proposal at ruby-core](

Refinements are very much a work in progress, so if you have any more details
or questions about how they work, feel free to contact me on
<[email protected]> so I can keep this article up to date.

(Thanks to Shugo Maeda for explaining in detail how refinements work, and [Rune
Botten][runeb] and [Peter Aronoff][telemachus] for reading drafts of this.)


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