Tags: Spyxar/TipTapShow
Features: - Added Rainbow Speed as a config setting, default value is 4 and 5 is not recommended by any means - Added Rounded Backgrounds config setting, this makes the key backgrounds have rounded corners Bug Fixes: - Fixed the CPS Counter for right click capping at 5 while holding (addresses part of #7) - Fixed the keybinds to open config and to position the overlay not working when a not required mod was missing. Also added to popup toast to inform the user Cleaned up PositionGui.java Updated to Loom 1.4-SNAPSHOT Updated to Gradle 8.4
Update to 1.20.2 Changed gradle version to 8.1.1 Added properties for ModMenu and ClothConfig versions in gradle.properties All new jars will now have their Minecraft version appended Adds a fix for the game crashing when using the open config keybind without ModMenu installed Added the position gui, bind a key to open and then drag the widget to the location of your choosing (textures are subject to change)