- Paris / Reims / Réunion
- https://www.squirrel.fr
Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
Golang SDK du Logiciel de Facturation en ligne VosFactures
Use the native Socket.io SDK's with Axway Titanium.
Keep a Titanium app running in background
☁️ Use the Amazon AWS SDK with Appcelerator Titanium
Codemod scripts for Titanium Applications
Axway Hyperloop scratch view for Android
Appcelerator Titanium Module for Admob Rewarded Ads.
A jQuery plugin for drag and drop form creation
Appcelerator Text Field concept Material Design
Use the native Admob SDK with Axway Hyperloop and Titanium.
A curated list of awesome links to resources around Axway's Hyperloop for Titanium. And more.
Cross-platform Appcelerator Hyperloop Module for detecting if app paused or resumed on both the iOS and Android