Curriculum Vitae with gatsbyJS a static page generator for reactJs.
- LinkedIn has effectively become a monopoply/monopsony for your "work" identity and giving a single platform this much power may not be a good idea in the long run.
- There is significant utility to having a single publicly available place with my work history, project and certification
- I wanted to apply some React knowledge that I learnt doing A Udemy course and modifying a gatsby CV that firsttris created to meet my needs seemed like a good opportunity to try this out in an existing code base.
Creating my own design seemed lame, I forked A design made by Tristan Teufel which looked fantastic but needed a few things changed to fit my tastes.
Tristan cites by UX/UI designer Xiaoying Riley as the design that he based his on.
Based on best practices of gatsbyJS
- src/data/ - JSON Files
- src/markdown-pages/ - Markdown Files
- src/templates - Templates (main source for generation)
- src/components - Components
- src/translations - Localization
- src/assets - Assets, pictures and stuff
for more information on how to get started with Gatsby if refer to
➜ npm run
rm -Rf public && rm -Rf .cache && gatsby build --prefix-paths
gatsby develop
rm -Rf public && rm -Rf .cache && npm run build
gatsby serve
cypress open
cypress run
start-server-and-test develop http://localhost:8000 cy:open
start-server-and-test develop http://localhost:8000 cy:run
cypress run -C cypress.config-live.js
Deployment is dealt with through GitHub Pages, check the .github/workflows
folder for the details.
If you're setting this up yourself you'll want to check the ReadMe for GitHub Pages, and the section about Setting up a custom domain.
I use Cypress for some sanity tests on every commit, again on the live website post deploy. These tests include:
- Checks for link rot (checking if links on my page sends a non 200 response code)
- Checks to make sure the content my work and projects pages matches what's in my configuration
Eventually I'll include accessibility tests (the code is in there but commented out). Currently, my header fails for having grey on grey text.
This testing can happen with the local version npm run test:ci-develop
and with the live version test:ci-live
by GitHub. If you need to change the URL check cypress.config-live.js