The GFE (Graph Framework Evaluation) Driver is the program used to run the experiments in "Spruce: a Fast yet Space-saving Structure for Dynamic Graph Storage", measuring the throughput of updates in libraries supporting structural dynamic graphs and the completion times of the Graphalytics kernels. The driver supports the following structures: Spruce, Sortledton, Teseo, GraphOne, Stinger and LiveGraph. It can run several kinds experiments: insert/delete all edges in a random permuted order from an input graph, execute the updates specified by a graphlog file and run the kernels of the Graphalytics suite: BFS, PageRank (PR), local triangle counting (LCC), weighted shortest paths (SSSP), weakly connected components (WCC) and community detection through label propagation (CDLP). The core codes of Spruce could be found at Spruce.
- O.S. Linux
- Autotools, Autoconf 2.69+
- A C++17 compliant compiler with support for OpenMP. We tested it with GCC 10.
- libnuma 2.0 +
- libpapi 5.5 +
- SQLite 3.27 +
- Intel Threading Building Blocks 2 (version 2020.1-2)
- jemalloc 5.2.1+
- Disable NUMA balancing feature to avoid the Linux Kernel to swap pages during insertions:
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/numa_balancing
Initialise the sources and the configure script by:
git clone
cd gfe_driver
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
autoreconf -iv ..
The driver needs to be linked with the system to evaluate, which has to be built ahead. We do not recommend linking the driver with multiple systems at once, due to the usage of global variables in some systems and other naming clashes. Instead, it is safer to reconfigure and rebuild the driver each time for a single specific system.
Use the branch feature/gfe
, it contains additional patches w.r.t.
upstream, from
For the paper, we evaluated commit "2bcfac38785081c7140b0cd27f3aecace088d664"
git clone -b feature/gfe
cd stinger
mkdir build && cd build
If the build has been successful, it should at least create the executable bin/stinger_server
Configure the GFE driver with:
cd build
../configure --enable-optimize --disable-debug --with-stinger=/path/to/stinger/build
It is noted that you can build stinger in any directory, and only need to set the corresponding build directory when cofiguring gfe_driver.
Use the branch feature/gfe
, it contains additional patches w.r.t.
upstream, from
For the paper, we evaluated "1475bf5887aaf37dd7aa47377e9f11a94aa0d880".
git clone -b feature/gfe
cd GraphOne
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -S ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j
If the build has been successful, it should at least create the executable graphone64
Then, configure the driver with:
cd build
../configure --enable-optimize --disable-debug --with-graphone=/path/to/graphone/build
Download the binary library from the official repository.
In the paper, we evaluated version 20200829. You need to download liblivegraph.tar.gz
and extract
into a folder.
Then configure the driver by pointing the path to where the library has been extracted:
cd build
../configure --enable-optimize --disable-debug --with-livegraph=/path/to/livegraph/lib
Use the branch master
In the paper, we evaluated version 14227577731d6369b5366613f3e4a679b1fd7694
git clone
cd teseo
autoreconf -iv
mkdir build && cd build
../configure --enable-optimize --disable-debug
make -j
If the build has been successful, it should at least create the archive libteseo.a
Then configure the driver with:
cd build
../configure --enable-optimize --disable-debug --with-teseo=/path/to/teseo/build
Use the branch master
For the paper, we evaluated commit "a32b8ac208bb889b518e14b1317957c9a8c466b6".
Follow the instructions in the README of the repository to setup and build the library. Then configure the driver with:
cd build
../configure --enable-optimize --disable-debug --with-sortledton=/path/to/sortledton/build
Use the library in our GitHub Release Page. We note that the BVGT is the initial name of Spruce (BitVector-based-Graph-Tree), and we have not changed it in gfe_driver.
Then configure the driver with:
cd build
../configure --enable-optimize --disable-debug --with-bvgt=/path/to/spruce/build/
Once configured, run make -j
. There is no install
target, the final artifact is the executable gfe_driver
If in the mood of running the testsuite, type make check -j
If you meet errors like:
/home/ubuntu/gfe_driver/third-party/libcommon/src/system_introspection.cpp:110:21: note: returned from ‘FILE* popen(const char*, const char*)’
110 | FILE* fp = popen("git log -1 | awk 'NR == 1 && $1 == \"commit\" {print $2}'", "r");
| ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors
,you can try to run "make -j CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-error", or replace fclose(fp)
with pclose(fp)
in gfe_driver/build/third-party/libcommon/src/system_introspection.cpp
In our experiments, we used the following input graphs and data sets:
, withSF
in {24 26} , were taken from the official Graphalytics collection.uniform-SF
, withSF
in {24, 26} were generated with an ad-hoc tool. These are synthetic graphs having the same number of vertices and edges ofgraph500-SF
, but a uniform node degree distribution.- The logs for the experiments with updates, i.e. with both insertions and deletions, were generated with another ad-hoc tool.
was taken from the Konect webpage they were prepared for our experiments by sorting them by timestamp and removing duplicates.livejournal
were taken from the Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection.
A complete image of all datasets used in the experiments can be downloaded here: dota-league, graph500-SF, and uniform-SF, livejournal, orkut, and friendster, graph logs, and yahoo-songs.
GFE driver supports two types of graph formats:
- Plain edge list (ends with ".el"): The file contains pairs of vertex IDs, with each edge represented by a line of two space-separated integers indicating connections.
- Edge-Vertex Separated format, which contains 3 files:
: A file contains graph properties, including filenames for the vertex and edge files, the number of vertices and edges, whether the graph is directed, and specific parameters for running graph algorithms.graph.v
: A list of unique vertices present in the graph, with each line in the file representing a unique vertex ID.graph.e
: A list of edges from the graph, with each line representing a edge in the formatfrom_node_id to_node_id
The driver takes as input a list of options together with a graph, and emits the results into a sqlite3 database. We note that 256GB of memory is needed to run all the experiments due to the large sizes of some graphs (e.g., uniform-26, and Friendster). There are three kinds of experiments that can be executed:
- Insertions only : insert all vertices and edges from an input graph, in a random order. Use the command:
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l <system_to_evaluate> -w <num_threads> -d output_results.sqlite3
Here are some examples:
If you are using a property file to indicate the input graph:
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/GFEDataset/ -l bvgt -w 28 -d extra20230224.sqlite3
If you are using a plain edge list file (each line of the file contains two integers) as the input graph:
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/GFEDataset/yahoo-song.el -l bvgt -w 56 --is_timestamped true -d extra20230224.sqlite3
- Deletions : insert all vertices and edges from an input graph, in a random order, then delete all of them in random order. Comment line 198~231 in experiment/details/insert_only.cpp, then recompile the gfe-driver and use following command to evaluate deletion performance:
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l <system_to_evaluate> -w <num_threads> -d output_results.sqlite3
- Updates: perform all insertions and deletions from a log. Add the option --log /path/to/updates.graphlog :
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u --log /path/to/updates.graphlog --aging_timeout 24h -l <system_to_evaluate> -w <num_threads> -d output_results.sqlite3
Following parameters can be used to record memory footprint during the update process:
-aging_memfp --aging_memfp_physical --aging_memfp_threshold 500G --aging_release_memory=false
The option --aging_timeout
serves to limit the total time to execute the experiment.
The option --aging_memfp
records the memory footprint as the experiment proceeds.
The option --aging_memfp_physical
records the physical memory (RSS) of the process rather than the virtual memory of the glibc allocator.
The option--aging_memfp_threshold 500G
terminates the experiment if the memory footprint measured is greater than 330 GB .
The option --aging_release_memory=false
avoids releasing the memory used in the driver to load the graph from the file, as it may (or may not) recycled by the libraries.
- Graphalytics: execute the six kernels from the Graphalytics suite. Add the option
-R <N>
to repeatN
times the execution of all Graphalytics kernels, one after the other. E.g., to run the kernels five times, after all vertices and edges have been inserted, use:
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l <system_to_evaluate> -w <num_threads> -R 5 -d output_results.sqlite3
Type ./gfe_driver -h
for the full list of options and for the libraries that can be evaluated (option -l
). The driver spawns the number of threads given by the option -w
to concurrently run all insertions or updates. For Graphalytics, it defaults to the total number of the physical threads in the machine. This setting can be changed with the option -r <num_threads>
. Note that the numbers
in the library codes (e.g. teseo.6, stinger3) are unrelated to the versions of the systems evaluated, they were only used
internally for development purposes.
The database output_results.sqlite3
will contain the final results.
These are the full commands to repeat the experiments in the paper:
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l stinger7-ref -w 56
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l g1_v6-ref-ignore-build -w 56
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l livegraph3_ro -w 56
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l teseo.13 -w 56
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l sortledton.4 -w 56
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l bvgt -w 56
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/graph -l stinger7-ref -w 56 --is_timestamped true
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/graph -l g1_v6-ref-ignore-build -w 56 --is_timestamped true
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/graph -l livegraph3_ro -w 56 --is_timestamped true
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/graph -l teseo.13 -w 56 --is_timestamped true
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/graph -l sortledton.4 -w 56 --is_timestamped true
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/graph -l bvgt -w 56 --is_timestamped true
Comment line 198~231 in experiment/details/insert_only.cpp, then recompile the gfe-driver. The commands to evaluate are the same as above.
Comment line 95~102 in experiment/insert_only.cpp, then recompile the gfe-driver and use the following command to evaluate deletion performance. The memory consumption during the loading process will be printed in the console.
mkdir build && cd build
../configure --enable-optimize --enable-mem-analysis --disable-debug --with-bvgt=/path/to/spruce/build/
make -j
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l stinger7-ref -w 56 >> result.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l g1_v6-ref-ignore-build -w 56 >> result.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l livegraph3_ro -w 56 >> result.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l teseo.13 -w 56 >> result.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l sortledton.4 -w 56 >> result.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G /path/to/input/ -l bvgt -w 56 >> result.txt
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l csr3 --load -r 56 -R 5 --blacklist lcc,cdlp -d result.sqlite3
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l csr3-lcc --load -r 56 -R 5 --blacklist cdlp -d result.sqlite3
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l stinger7-ref -w 56 -r 56 -R 5 --blacklist cdlp -d result.sqlite3
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l g1_v6-ref-ignore-build -w 56 -r 56 -R 5 --blacklist cdlp -d results_orkut.sqlite3
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l livegraph3_ro -w 56 -r 56 -R 5 --blacklist cdlp -d result.sqlite3
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l teseo.13 -w 56 -r 56 -R 5 --blacklist cdlp -d result.sqlite3
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l sortledton.4 -w 56 -r 56 -R 5 --blacklist cdlp -d result.sqlite3
./gfe_driver -G /path/to/input/ -u -l bvgt -w 56 -r 56 -R 5 --blacklist cdlp -d result.sqlite3
For graph500-24
and p in {1,2,4,8,14,28,42,56} and 5 runs.
./gfe_driver -u -R 0 -d ./result.sqlite3 -l stinger7-ref -G /path/to/input/ -w p
./gfe_driver -u -R 0 -d ./result.sqlite3 -l g1_v6-ref-ignore-build -G /path/to/input/ -w p
./gfe_driver -u -R 0 -d ./result.sqlite3 -l livegraph3_ro -G /path/to/input/ -w p
./gfe_driver -u -R 0 -d ./result.sqlite3 -l teseo.13 -G /path/to/input/ -w p
./gfe_driver -u -R 0 -d ./result.sqlite3 -l sortledton.4 -G /path/to/input/ -w p
./gfe_driver -u -R 0 -d ./result.sqlite3 -l bvgt -G /path/to/input/ -w p
For all combinations of reading ($r in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]) and writing threads ($w in [16, 48]).
./gfe_driver -u -R 3 -d results.sqlite3 -l bvgt -G /path/to/ -w $w -r $r --blacklist sssp,cdlp,pagerank,wcc,lcc --log /path/to/graph500-24-1.0.graphlog --aging_timeout 2h --mixed_workload true --block_size 512
./gfe_driver -u -R 3 -d results.sqlite3 -l livegraph3_ro -G /path/to/ -w $w -r $r --blacklist sssp,cdlp,pagerank,wcc,lcc --log /path/to/graph500-24-1.0.graphlog --aging_timeout 2h --mixed_workload true
./gfe_driver -u -R 3 -d results.sqlite3 -l bvgt -G /path/to/ -w $w -r $r --blacklist sssp,cdlp,bfs,wcc,lcc --log /path/to/graph500-24-1.0.graphlog --aging_timeout 2h --mixed_workload true --block_size 512
./gfe_driver -u -R 3 -d results.sqlite3 -l livegraph3_ro -G /path/to/ -w $w -r $r --blacklist sssp,cdlp,bfs,wcc,lcc --log /path/to/graph500-24-1.0.graphlog --aging_timeout 2h --mixed_workload true
A simple example of running insertions using 56 threads with Stinger (Suppore that Stinger has already been built in the build directory):
cd build
make clean
../configure --enable-optimize --enable-mem-analysis --disable-debug --with-stinger=../../../stinger-gfe/stinger/build
make -j
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/GFEDataset/ -l stinger7-ref -w 56 -d result.sqlite3 >> ExSpruceAllInsertMem0708.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/GFEDataset/ -l stinger7-ref -w 56 -d result.sqlite3 >> ExSpruceAllInsertMem0708.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/GFEDataset/yahoo-song.el -l stinger7-ref -w 56 --is_timestamped true -d result.sqlite3 >>ExSpruceAllInsertMem0708.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/GFEDataset/yahoo-song.el -l stinger7-ref -w 56 -d result.sqlite3 >> ExSpruceAllInsertMem0708.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/GFEDataset/ -l stinger7-ref -w 56 -d result.sqlite3 >> ExSpruceAllInsertMem0708.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/Friendster/com-friendster.ungraph.el -l stinger7-ref -w 56 -d result.sqlite3 >> ExSpruceAllInsertMem0708.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/Orkut/com-orkut.ungraph.el -l stinger7-ref -w 56 -d result.sqlite3 >> ExSpruceAllInsertMem0708.txt
./gfe_driver -u -G ../../../../Dataset/LiveJournal/com-lj.ungraph.el -l stinger7-ref -w 56 -d result.sqlite3 >> ExSpruceAllInsertMem0708.txt