BadgerOS is the operating system currently in development for the upcoming MCH2025(1) badge. The goal is the allow future badge users to get both the performance that native apps can afford as well as the portability made possible by this OS.
(1) MCH2025 is a preliminary name, MCH2025 is an event that will be organised by IFCAT in 2025.
We are an open-source project, so we can always use more hands! If you're looking for things to help with, look for the issues with the PoC (Proof of Concept) milestone. We are currently using the ESP32-C6 for development.
Make sure to check out the style guide so your code can fit right in. If you're unsure where to put your code, look into the project structure.
If you're not sure what to do but want to help, message us:
- robotman2412 on telegram
- telegram group
To build BadgerOS:
(RISC-V collab toolchain)python3
To flash to an ESP:
from ESP-IDF
Optional recommends:
The build system is based on Makefiles and CMake. The following commands can be used to perform relevant actions:
To build: make build
To remove build files: make clean
To flash to an ESP: source <path to ESP-IDF>/
(once) make flash
(every time you flash)
To open picocom: make monitor
To build, flash and open picocom: make
or make all
To check cody style: make clang-format-check
(code formatting) and make clang-tidy-check
(programming guidelines)
Build artifacts will be put into the firmware
folder once the project was successfully built.