PA.m (PA function)
SubGrad.m (Subgradient function)
NCGG.m (Implementation of NCGG algorithm)
SA.m (Implementation of SA algorithm)
PSO.m (Implementation of Inertia Weighted Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithm)
- Energy consumption vs Number of Mobile Users (pmax = 5W).
- Energy consumption vs Maximum Power (pmax).
- Convergence Property of NCGG vs Number of Mobile Users (pmax = 5W, y axis is E, not Error of E in the paper).
JRORS.m (JRORS function)
Welfare_PSO.m (Implementation of Binary Particle Swarm Optimisation)
- Performance versus different number of mobile users (
$I_q = 700KB$ ).
- Performance versus different request workload (
$U = 60, I_q = 700 KB$ ).
- Performance versus different request input (
$U = 60, w_q = 1500$ Magacycles).